2015-08-06   Services to support ETF project activities in Albania (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to locally support the implementation of its activities in Albania. The requirements for specific assignments will be outlined in specific terms of reference (ToR) which will be sent to the framework contractor along with a request for offer (RfO). Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company, which will ensure a strong local base in Albania and with the staff appropriate … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: EuroPartners Development Non-Governmental...
2015-06-19   Provision of creative design services (ETF)
The ETF is seeking support for a broad range of design services for corporate identity, reports, magazines, leaflets, posters, infographics, presentations, digital animations and applications, document templates and other ETF print and digital media products. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tenders is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (domicile or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Article 10 Integrated Marketing Limited
2015-06-19   Provision of writing services in English, Arabic and Russian (ETF)
The ETF seeks support in drafting effective and engaging written content about its activities in English for a range of communication and expertise material. The ETF also requires copy-editing in Arabic and Russian on the basis of source material normally submitted in English. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tenders is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (domicile or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: The PR Network Limited
2015-05-28   Services to support ETF project activities in the Russian Federation (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to locally support the implementation of its activities in the Russian Federation. The requirements for specific assignments will be outlined in specific terms of reference (ToR) which will be sent to the framework contractor along with a request for offer (RfO). Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company, which will ensure a strong local base in the Russian Federation … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Centre for Vocational Education &...
2015-03-18   Travel management services (ETF)
The ETF is looking for a qualified service provider able to arrange for: — booking, modification and cancellation of flights/train tickets, — booking, modification and cancellation of accommodation, including where appropriate, meals, — provision of visas where needed, — provision of airport/train station car transfers in particular in countries where safety is at risk. In addition, the ETF wants to improve the cost-efficiency of its travel management, ensuring safety for its travellers. Given the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Ventura SpA
2014-12-11   Provision of content services (ETF)
This call for tender — divided into 3 lots — is launched with a view to concluding framework contracts for: — lot 1: the provision of written content for use in different communication channels, including publications, magazines and Web, — lot 2: the provision of photographs, and — lot 3: the production of video content, to support the ETF's communication needs over the next 4 years. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Vision Plus Media Enterprises Limited
2014-12-10   Provision of layout, electronic publishing and printing services (ETF)
This call for tender — divided into 3 lots — is launched with a view to concluding framework contracts for: — lot 1: the provision of layout services, covering a range of items (such as periodicals, leaflets, reports, stationery and business cards), according to the ETF's style guide and/or a pre-defined template or model, — lot 2: the provision of electronic publishing services (including the production of e-books and interactive PDFs), according to the ETF's style guide and/or a pre-defined template or … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Composiciones Rali S.A. Imprimerie Centrale société anonyme Ragusa Grafica Moderna S.r.l.
2014-12-03   Servizi di sorveglianza (ETF)
L'obiettivo del servizio richiesto è la sorveglianza. Esso si articola in: A. ispezioni interne; B. servizio di radio sorveglianza; C. guardia giurata armata; D. servizio di consulenza in materia di sicurezza; E. servizio di trasporto di documentazione cartacea e informatica di rilevante valore. La partecipazione a questa procedura di appalto è aperta a tutte le persone fisiche e giuridiche domiciliate o con sede legale nell'UE, Albania, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Telecontrol Vigilanza S.p.A.
2014-11-24   Servizio corriere espresso (ETF)
L'obiettivo principale di questa gara è concludere un contratto quadro della durata massima di 4 anni con un unico contraente che effettui servizi di corriere espresso e camionistico, world wide e import/export. Al contraente sarà richiesto di fornire un efficiente servizio postale di ritiro, spedizione e consegna nel più breve tempo possibile di tutti i documenti e le pubblicazioni che l'ETF invia quotidianamente nell'esercizio delle sue attività. Le principali destinazioni delle spedizioni fatte … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: DHL Express (Italy) srl
2014-10-24   Provision of technical editing services (ETF)
This call for tender is launched with a view to concluding a framework contract for the provision of technical editing services to support ETF's communication needs over the next 4 years. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (domicile or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway, and Serbia. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: International Correspondents in Education
2014-10-01   Services to support ETF project activities in Azerbaijan (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to locally support the implementation of its activities in Azerbaijan. The requirements for specific assignments will be outlined in specific terms of reference (ToRs) which will be sent to the framework contractor along with a request for offer (RfO). Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company, which will ensure a strong local base in Azerbaijan, with the staff … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Konsis Limited Liability Company
2014-09-25   IBM Notes and IBM Connections annual software subscription and support renewal (ETF)
The objective is the conclusion of a contract with 1 supplier for the purchase of upgrade renewals of our current IBM Notes and IBM Connections annual software subscription and support renewal. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (domicile or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norway and Serbia. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Italconsulta Srl
2014-07-03   IT consultancy and support services (ETF)
The objective of the requested service is the selection of 1 company for the provision of IT consultancy and support services through highly qualified system administrators in the areas of Citrix, Microsoft, VMWare, NetApp, ExtremeNetworks, Palo Alto Networks, Avaya, Sitecore, Veeam. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (domicile or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Albania, former Yugoslav Republic of … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Be tech Srl a socio unico
2014-07-03   Supply of serials and e-resources (ETF)
The objective of the requested services is: — to supply ETF corporate library with serials (both in print and electronic format) and other electronic information resources via the Internet/cloud, — to manage ETF's subscriptions to periodical publications and electronic resources via the Internet/cloud. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are established (nationals or headquarters respectively) in the EU, Albania, the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: EBSCO Information Services Srl
2014-06-20   Provision of planning, monitoring and evaluation expertise (ETF)
The objective of the requested service is to conclude a competing multiple framework contract with 3 service providers to provide high-quality experts to conduct planning, monitoring and evaluation services of ETF activities in vocational education and training and related sectors. The services may be implemented at a project, thematic or country level and may be conducted in ETF offices in Turin or at a country, regional or cross-regional level and may require country-specific experience or … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: ICON-Institute GmbH & Co. KG Consulting Gruppe PPMI Group PricewaterhouseCoopers EU Services EESV
2014-06-19   Services to support ETF project activities in Ukraine (ETF)
Through this tender, the ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Ukraine. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a service provider, which will ensure a strong local base in Ukraine and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. In case the contractor is established outside Ukraine, the ETF will have direct access and direct contacts with the local office … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Profiles S.A.
2014-06-10   Selezione di un'agenzia per il lavoro per la somministrazione dei lavoratori a tempo determinato (ETF)
L'obiettivo della gara è la selezione e la successiva stipula di un contratto quadro con un'agenzia per il lavoro, per la somministrazione di lavoratori a tempo determinato con competenze multilinguistiche e comprovata esperienza professionale, per svolgere funzioni di varia natura presso gli uffici dell'ETF a Torino. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Infor Group S.p.A.
2014-05-07   Arredi per ufficio (ETF)
Guidati dagli obblighi di ergonomia, benessere e salute sul luogo di lavoro, e considerando l'età dell'arredo, l'ETF necessita di sostituire parte del suo arredo da ufficio. La gara comprende 2 lotti. La partecipazione a questa procedura d'appalto è aperta a tutte le persone fisiche e giuridiche nell'UE, Albania, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Norvegia e Serbia. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: C.F.L. s.r.l. Tecnocoop S.R.L.
2014-04-30   Professional conference organiser services (ETF)
The objective of this call for tender is to acquire quality professional conference organiser services to support the ETF in the organisation of its conferences, workshops and other events. The contractor will ensure the full implementation of all aspects of event management as well as bring their professional expertise and advice to this important ETF activity. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are established in the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: IBF International Consulting SA
2014-04-04   Services de soutien aux activitĂ©s des projets menĂ©s en Tunisie par l'ETF (ETF)
Dans le cadre du présent appel d'offres, l'ETF envisage de conclure un contrat-cadre de services en vue de soutenir, au niveau local, la mise en place de ses activités en Tunisie. En raison de la nature des services requis et de leur lieu de prestation, l'ETF recherche une société qui garantira une forte présence locale en Tunisie, en mettant à disposition du personnel approprié pour la réalisation des tâches prévues au titre du marché. Le prestataire de services sera tenu de fournir, sur demande, les 2 … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Logos SocietĂ  Cooperativa ARL
2014-03-26   Sharepoint document management system project (ETF)
The European Training Foundation requires on a regular basis software development consultancy services: IBM Lotus Notes and integration with other relational databases, Office applications, Web services, etc. The services will be performed at the premises of the European Training Foundation. Services will be carried out by the contractor during normal ETF working days and working hours. Exceptionally, activities may, in agreement with the contractor(s), be carried out off-site. Given the subject of the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Proge-Software s.r.l.
2014-01-14   Provision of branded promotional materials (ETF)
Objective: this tender is launched with a view to concluding a framework contract for the provision of services to support the ETF communication needs through the production, over the next 4 years, of a broad range of custom branded promotional materials. Expected results: good quality, useful and original items produced that display the ETF logo, contact details and/or Internet address (URL), and a slogan or other graphic images as and when required. Given the subject of the contract, participation in … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Tiburtini SRL
2013-11-21   Meeting design and facilitation (ETF)
This call for tender aims to support the ETF communication strategy through the conclusion of a framework contract with service provider(s) for meeting design and for meeting facilitation. Lot 1 — meeting design — aims to identify a service provider for meeting design and consultancy. Lot 2 — meeting facilitation — aims to identify a service provider for the facilitation of meetings. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Prospex bvba
2013-11-21   Services to support ETF project activities in Kosovo (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Kosovo*. The requirements for specific assignments will be outlined in specific terms of reference (ToRs) which will be sent to the framework contractor along with a request for offer (RfO). Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a service provider which will ensure a strong local base in Kosovo and with staff … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Agjensioni i Përkrahjes së Punësimit në Kosovë
2013-11-20   Services to support ETF project activities in Egypt (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Egypt. The requirements for specific assignments will be outlined in specific terms of reference (ToRs) which will be sent to the framework contractor along with a request for offer (RfO). Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a service provider which will ensure a strong local base in Egypt and with staff … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Lattanzio e Associati SpA
2013-11-20   Services to support ETF project activities in Uzbekistan (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Uzbekistan. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a service provider, which will ensure a strong local base in Uzbekistan and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. In case the contractor is established outside of Uzbekistan, the ETF will have direct access and direct contacts with the local … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Al Mar Consulting LLC
2013-08-07   Gestione e manutenzione impianti tecnologici, elettrici, aree verdi e edificio (ETF)
L'ETF ricerca un operatore economico per la gestione e la manutenzione degli impianti tecnologici (termo-frigoriferi, elettrici, di sollevamento, idrico-sanitario, antincendio, antintrusione) e del proprio edificio (manutenzione interna ed esterna, manutenzione serramenti e tende oscuranti, pulizia pluviali e coperture piane, manutenzione delle aree verdi e strade interne, tinteggiatura e posa di tramezzi). La partecipazione a questa procedura d'appalto è aperta a tutte le persone fisiche e giuridiche … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Guerrato S.p.a.
2013-07-31   Servizi di pulizia, facchinaggio, disinfestazione, sgombero neve e spargimento sale (ETF)
L'ETF cerca un operatore economico per l'affidamento dei seguenti servizi: I. servizi di pulizia e traslochi interni; II. facchinaggio e manutenzione ordinaria; III. disinfestazione; IV. sgombero neve e spargimento sale. La partecipazione a questa procedura d'appalto è aperta a tutte le persone fisiche e giuridiche nell'UE, ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Islanda, Norvegia e Liechtenstein. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Deluxe S.r.l.
2013-06-26   Telecommunication services (ETF)
The scope of this tender is to identify a unique service provider for ETF's telecommunication needs to have a single point of contact and unified invoice. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Telecom Italia SpA
2013-06-24   Provision of expertise to support ETF initiatives for human capital development (ETF)
The objective of the requested service is to ensure the availability of external expertise as and when required to support the implementation of the ETF work programmes. Inputs from experts may be required, for example, in 1 or more of the following functions: — support to the European Union, — capacity building, — policy analysis, — dissemination and networking. The list below provides an overview of key areas in which the ETF may require specific expertise support. This list is not exhaustive. a) EU … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: ACE International Consultants SL DMI Associates SARL Transtec SA
2013-06-20   Provision of expertise in the field of vocational education and training, with special focus on governance, quality... (ETF)
The objective of the requested service is to support the ETF in the implementation of the GEMM regional project through the provision of capacity building actions in the field of vocational education and training, with a special focus on governance, quality and financing, as follows: 1. design and implementation of a capacity building programme for policy makers and social partners; 2. design and implementation of a capacity building programme for representatives of the pilot projects; 3. support in the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Transtec SA
2013-05-06   Education and business cooperation study in Kazakhstan (ETF)
The objective of the requested service is to conduct a study on cooperation between VET providers and employers. The study will serve to raise awareness on the collection and use of evidence on education and business (E&B) cooperation, and enhance policymaking and implementation in 3 regions in Kazakhstan. The process will engage a range of stakeholders while emphasising the meaningful engagement of regional administrations, regional employers and other regional actors. As for the content of the study, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: 'BISAM-Central Asia' Centre for Business...
2013-04-30   Provision of expertise for an inventory of migrant support measures from a skills and employment perspective (ETF)
The overall objective of the requested service is to provide expertise to support the production of a study on migrant support measures from a skills and employment perspective, a short methodological note for identifying and assessing successful policy measures and at least 2 country case studies (up to 4). The outputs are expected to contribute to the migration dialogue and/or MP actions between the EC and the ETF partner countries for better use of migrants' skills, employment and LM integration. The … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European University Institute
2013-04-29   Services to support ETF project activities in Uzbekistan (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Uzbekistan. The requirements for specific assignments will be outlined in specific terms of reference (ToRs) which will be sent to the framework contractor along with a request for offer (RfO). Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Uzbekistan and with staff … Visualizza l'appalto »
2013-04-15   Services to support ETF project activities in Palestine (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Palestine. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Palestine and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. In case the contractor is established outside Palestine, the ETF will have direct access and direct contacts with the local office in … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Italienne
2013-03-08   Fornitura di materiale di cancelleria per ufficio e carta bianca per fotocopiatrici e stampanti (ETF)
L'ETF ha intenzione di concludere un contratto quadro con uno o più operatori economici per ciascuno dei 2 lotti qui di seguito riportati: lotto 1: fornitura di generico materiale di cancelleria per ufficio per un valore stimato di 120 000 EUR (accordo quadro con unico operatore); lotto 2: fornitura di carta bianca per fotocopiatrici e stampanti per un valore stimato di 80 000 EUR (accordo quadro multiplo su base competitiva con 3 operatori). Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Il Papiro s.r.l. Lyreco Italia s.p.a. Office Depot Italia srl
2013-02-18   Services to support ETF project activities in Serbia (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Serbia. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 2 main types of services described below which may also be closely linked: service A: organisation of project meetings such as workshops, seminars, conferences, study visits in the fields of ETF work; service B: support to ETF country networking. Given the subject of the contract, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Congress Service Centre — (Serbia)
2012-11-28   Services to support ETF project activities in Belarus (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Belarus. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Belarus and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 2 main types of services described below which may also be closely … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: The Republican Institute for Vocational Education
2012-11-23   Services to support ETF project activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Bosnia and Herzegovina and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 2 main types of services described below … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Centar Za Promociju Civilnog Drustva
2012-07-13   Services to support ETF project activities in Kazakhstan (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Kazakhstan. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company, which will ensure a strong local base in Kazakhstan and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 2 main types of services below which may also be closely … Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-07-12   Services to support ETF project activities in Jordan (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Jordan. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Jordan and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 2 main types of services described below which may also be closely … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Mehanioun Al Awael Lilitisalat...
2012-07-11   Services to support ETF project activities in Tajikistan (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Tajikistan. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Tajikistan and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 3 main types of services below which may also be closely … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Vocational Education and Training Support...
2012-07-10   Services to support ETF project activities in Kyrgyz Republic (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in the Kyrgyz Republic. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in the Kyrgyz Republic and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 3 main types of services below which may also be … Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-07-03   Professional conference organiser services (ETF)
The objective of this call for tender is to acquire high-level professional conference organiser services to support the ETF in the organisation of its events throughout the duration of the contract. The contractor will provide advice, expertise and administrative support to the ETF for the full implementation of all aspects of event management, and will implement ETF decisions. Given the subject of the contract, participation in this call for tender is open to all natural and legal persons that are … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Team Work
2012-06-19   Services to support ETF project activities in Turkey (ETF)
Through this tender, ETF intends to conclude a framework contract for services to support locally the implementation of its activities in Turkey. Due to the nature of the services required and their place of delivery, the ETF is seeking a company which will ensure a strong local base in Turkey and with staff appropriate for achieving the scope of the contract. The service provider will be required to provide upon ETF request the 2 main types of services described below which may also be closely … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Technopolis AraĹźtirma Ve Inovasyon...
2012-06-18   Software development consultancy services (ETF)
The European Training Foundation requires on a regular basis software development consultancy services: IBM Lotus Notes and integration with other relational databases, Office applications, Web services, etc. The services will be performed at the premises of the European Training Foundation. Services will be carried out by the contractor during normal ETF working days and working hours. Exceptionally activities may, in agreement with the contractor(s), be carried out off-site. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Bechtle AG Sistemi Informativi Srl Syrma Soluzioni Informatiche SNC di A....
2012-04-16   General office supplies (ETF)
The purpose of this tender is the purchase of general office supplies and paper for ETF internal use. Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-04-10   IP PBX system for the ETF (ETF)
Procurement to replace the current PBX and telephones with an on-site IP PBX including telephones, training and installation, yearly maintenance and support contract. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Vitrociset SpA
2012-03-23   Development and implementation of training programmes for key stakeholders in TVET schools and learning centres in... (ETF)
The objectives of the contract to be awarded is to cover the development, delivery and monitoring of a capacity enhancement programme during 2012–2014 for managers' teams of vocational education providers (mainly schools) in 3 countries of central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The assignment to be undertaken through the service has 4 main components: 1. development of training modules; 2. implementation of training modules; 3. tutoring of selected training programme participants to become … Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-03-20   Services de soutien aux activitĂ©s des projets menĂ©s en Tunisie par l'ETF (ETF)
Dans le cadre du présent appel d'offres, l'ETF envisage de conclure un contrat-cadre de services en vue de soutenir, au niveau local, la mise en place de ses activités en Tunisie. En raison de la nature des services requis et de leur lieu de prestation, l'ETF recherche une société qui garantira une forte présence locale en Tunisie, en mettant à disposition du personnel approprié pour la réalisation des tâches prévues au titre du marché: — service A: organisation de réunions telles que des ateliers ou des … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Société Pro-Invest SA