2022-12-05   Decommissioning Services and Related Supplies for the JRC Decommissioning and Waste Management Programme (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.J – Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management, JRC.J.1 – Ispra Operatio)
The principal decommissioning services requested for the D&WM programme are: (a) decommissioning shutdown nuclear facilities; (b) supporting operation and safe conservation of nuclear facilities; (c) decommissioning consultancy and specialist project management and engineering services. Supplies related to the above services, e.g. provision of equipment, tools or consumables, are also included in the broad scope of the procurement. Visualizza l'appalto »
2022-11-10   Radioactive Waste Management Facilities Operations and Maintenance (RAMA) Services (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.J – Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management, JRC.J.1 – Ispra Operatio)
The aim of the procurement is signing a framework contract (FWC) for the supply of ‘radioactive waste management facilities operations and maintenance services’. The FWC is need to operate radioactive waste management facilities on the JRC Ispra site, which are part of the site’s decommissioning and radioactive waste management program. In particular, the services and the supplies included in the FWC are related to the operation of facilities dedicated to radioactive waste characterisation, treatment, … Visualizza l'appalto »
2022-10-07   Off-site Analytical Support to Site Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements of Joint Research Centre Ispra (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.J – Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management, JRC.J – Nuclear Decommis)
LMR laboratory quality system is ISO 17025 accredited by ACCREDIA, the Italian Accreditation Body for 24 test methods. LMR benefits of several contracts for IT, quality and analytical support. Since LMR has limited capabilities in processing and measuring radioactive and potentially radioactive samples, to satisfy the demand of radiochemical analyses from NDWDM services, it has been decided to outsource part of such analyses to a contractor. The contractor will perform sample analyses in its premises. … Visualizza l'appalto »
2019-03-01   Supply of Radiation Protection Services, Lot 1: Radiation Protection Expert Service Support, Lot 2: Operational... (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.G — Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 — JRC Nuclear Dec)
Supply of radiation protection services – scientific, technical and documental support in order to ensure RP according to Italian legislation, RPE policy and directives and license prescriptions Lot 1: Radiation Protection Expert Service Support; Lot 2: Operational Radiation Protection and Laboratories Assistance. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Cerap Onet Technologies ND
2018-06-05   On-site and off-site analytical support to site Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements (LMR) of Nuclear... (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.G — Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 — JRC Nuclear Dec)
The procedure is subdivided in 2 lots, implemented for supporting LMR (site Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements) in its core activities: 1) Lot 1: on-site support. Since LMR has limited statutory personnel for the measurement of radioactive and potentially radioactive samples, in order to satisfy the demand of chemical, radiochemical and radiometric analyses and “in situ" measurements from Nuclear Decommissioning Unit (NDU) services, it has been decided to get the support of personnel outsourced … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Nucleco Società per l'Ecoingegneria Nucleare
2014-07-11   ND&WM programme engineering support services (European Commission, JRC Ispra, Nuclear Decommissioning Unit, Resource Directorate — Unit B5)
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre Ispra site (JRC Ispra) is executing a nuclear decommissioning and waste management (ND&WM) programme. This programme comprises the provision and refurbishment of various radioactive waste management plants, the (re)conditioning of existing waste and management of nuclear materials and, finally, the decommissioning of shutdown nuclear facilities (previously to be held in state of safe conservation). Most of the projects constituting the decommissioning … Visualizza l'appalto »
2013-06-27   ND&WM programme support and operations services and related supplies in 5 lots (European Commission, JRC Ispra, Resource Directorate, Unit B.5)
ND&WM programme support and operations services and related supplies in 5 lots: lot 1: off-site chemical analyses and radiochemical analyses (OSCAR) services and related supplies lot 2: radiation protection assistance (RPA) services and related supplies lot 3: radwaste management facilities operations & maintenance (RaMa) services and related supplies lot 4: nuclear facilities decommissioning & support to operations (NFD&SO) services and related supplies lot 5: on-site laboratory operations (OSLO) … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Cerap Consortium Bouygues Construction & sat.... Nucleco SpA Nuvia Process sas ÚJV a.s.
2013-06-25   Supply of cask/s — retrieving and repacking irradiated pins and INM items for dry storage included (European Commission, JRC Ispra)
The subject of the contract is the purchase of 1 or more casks. Inter alia, services are to be provided for: (i) the retrieval of irradiated spent fuel pins stored in ESSOR decay pond and ADECO dry pit; (ii) the cutting of the long pins to reduce the dimensions and to fit with the 'pot à aiguilles'; (iii) the transfer of the pots into the cask/s. Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-12-07   Treatment of the bituminised drums and other burnable radioactive waste of JRC Ispra (European Commission — JRC Ispra, Ispra Site Management, Nuclear Decommissioning Unit)
JRC Ispra intends to place a contract for the treatment of its bituminised drums waste stream and associated radioactive waste aimed at the overall minimisation of the final waste package volume and the minimisation of total organic content. The scope of the contract will include: a) design and authorisation of the treatment service and the transport of the radioactive waste to/from the contractor's premises; b) transport of the drums to the contractor's premises; c) treatment of the radioactive waste in … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Campoverde SRL Perma-Fix Environmental Services INC
2012-03-27   Retrieving, dismantling and packing of Gioconda, CART, Colibri irradiated rigs and irradiated nuclear material (INM)... (European Commission — JRC Ispra, Resources Directorate, Unit B05)
In the frame of the JRC decommissioning & waste management programme the retrieval, storage and disposal of irradiated nuclear material (INM) currently located in the ESSOR reactor decay pond is foreseen. The subject of the contract is the retrieval of irradiated experimental rigs located in the ESSOR decay pond, such as: Gioconda, CART and Colibri. Their transfer in a hot cell for dismantling (plus NaK removal and passivation for Gioconda) and repacking of INM pins in appropriate containers, namely 'pot … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Ansaldo Nucleare SpA
2011-09-27   Framework contract for the provision of radioactive waste supercompaction services and relevant supplies and works (European Commission — JRC Ispra, Ispra Site Management, Management Support Unit, Support to the Decommissioning Programme)
The scope of the supercompaction service is to: (a) perform all the engineering, operation, maintenance and safety studies necessary to license an on-site or an off-site supercompaction service; (b) compact the compactable fraction of around 50 % of about 2 300 existing radioactive waste drums currently stored in different warehouses on JRC-Ispra's site; and (c) compact in future campaigns any compactable drums produced in the decommissioning activities of the JRC-Ispra decommissioning and waste … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Nucleco SpA
2011-02-17   Sampling and characterisation of nuclear material — services and relevant supplies (European Commission, JRC Ispra, Ispra Site Management, Management Support Unit, Support to the Decommissioning Programme)
The objective of the current tender procedure is to perform the characterisation campaign and to provide any relevant supply. This will encompass the sampling, the shipment of the samples to the characterisation facility of the awarded tenderer, their analyses and relevant paper work. This project is aiming to manage various obsolete U- and Pu-bearing nuclear material (NM) present on the JRC sites mainly Ispra, Italy, and Karlsruhe, Germany, and to define a final solution in order to remove them from the … Visualizza l'appalto »