2023-05-10   supply of no. 3 APR "remotely piloted aircraft systems", for the proximity use needs of the Carabinieri (Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - Centro Unico Contrattuale)
the APR systems in procurement are placed in the range of systems with the purpose of advanced discovery, surveillance and multi-sensor observation. Each APR must be made up of the elements listed in paragraph 1.4 of the technical specifications which form the basis of the tender. The contract also includes the training service for 12 operators/maintenance technicians and the logistic support service. Visualizza l'appalto »
2023-01-13   Fornitura (3R-05) di attrezzature aereonautiche per aeromobili cassette attrezzi, utensileria, attrezzature... (COMANDO AVIAZIONE DELL'ESERCITO - DIREZIONE DI INTENDENZA)
Accordo Quadro ex art. 16, comma 4, del D.Lgs. 15/11/2011, n. 208, con un unico operatore economico di durata triennale (con decorrenza dalla data di stipula), per la fornitura (3R-05) di attrezzature aereonautiche per aeromobili cassette attrezzi, utensileria, attrezzature meccaniche ed elettroniche per lavorazioni d’officina per le linee degli aeromobili dei Reparti dipendenti del Comando Aviazione dell’Esercito (Polo Tecnico Logistico: 3° Rgt Sostegno AVES “AQUILA” appalto strutturato in un unico … Visualizza l'appalto »
2021-11-25   supply of n. 160 remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) for proximity use (Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - Centro Unico Contrattuale)
the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in procurement are placed in the range of rotary wing systems for surveillance and observation purposes for proximity use. Each system acquired must: possess CE certification; have a maximum take-off weight between 250 gr. and 900 gr. and be suitable, due to construction characteristics and safety requirements, for use in specific category operations referred to in EU Regulation no. 947/2019 and descendants of national regulations. In addition, training for n. … Visualizza l'appalto »
2021-06-23   Approvvigionamento di n. 20 elicotteri militari monomotore leggeri per l’Arma dei Carabinieri e relativo supporto... (Ministero della Difesa — SGD/DNA — Direzione degli Armamenti Aeronautici e per l'Aeronavigabilità)
Approvvigionamento di n. 20 elicotteri militari monomotore leggeri per l’Arma dei Carabinieri, completi di equipaggiamenti, dotazioni, supporto logistico integrato per tre anni dall’effettiva data di consegna di ogni elicottero e di addestramento per piloti e tecnici per un importo di 150 000 000,00 EUR, più opzione pari a 24 000 000,00 EUR, (IVA esente) costi della sicurezza pari a zero. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Leonardo S.p.A.
2020-10-23   Fornitura di n. uno sistema aeromobile a pilotaggio remoto e integrazione con unità navale. CIG: 84717125E6 (Marina Militare — Ufficio Generale del Centro di Responsabilità Amministrativa (Mariugcra))
Fornitura di un sistema aeromobile a pilotaggio remoto e integrazione con unità navale. Progetto 84.2.5 cofinanziato dall’UE nell’ambito del Fondo sicurezza interna 2014-2020. Visualizza l'appalto »
2020-09-18   FWC for the Supply of Satellite Remote Sensing Data and and Associated Services in Support of on-the-spot-checks... (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.D — Sustainable Resources (Ispra), JRC.D.5 — Food Security)
This framework contract is a continuation of the VHR profile II contract number 931886 which expires on 16 February 2021. That framework contract allows purchase of very high resolution satellite imagery for the CAP on the spot checks Controls with Remote Sensing (CwRS). Since there is a delay in the introduction of the CAP2020+ reform, the use of such imagery and same control mechanism will be required also after the expiry of the presently running framework contract. It will be required at least until … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging System GmbH
2020-06-23   Fornitura di un balipedio modulare completo di attrezzature di misura per l’esecuzione di prove balistiche per il... (Ministero della Difesa — Agenzia Industrie Difesa)
Fornitura di un balipedio modulare completo di attrezzature di misura per l’esecuzione di prove balistiche per il Polo mantenimento armi leggere di Terni. Visualizza l'appalto »
2019-06-19   Restricted Procedure for the Supply of Micro Class and Mini class APR Systems (Comando Generale dell’Arma dei Carabinieri — Centro Unico Contrattuale)
No 2 Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems (SAPR), which is part of the MICRO class fixed-wing range with tactical recognition and photogrammetric survey capability (Lot 1) and No 3 Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems (SAPR), which is part of the mini-class fixed-wing range with extended surveillance capability at medium altitude. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Siralab Robotic S.r.l. Siralab Robotic srl
2019-05-15   Framework Contract for Copernicus Emergency Management Risk and Recovery (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.E — Space, Security and Migration (Ispra), JRC.E.1 — Disaster Risk Managem)
The risk and recovery mapping of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS) will be covered by framework contracts and will consist of: Lot 1: non-standardized RRM products (RRM — FLEX) — multiple framework contract with reopening of competition; Lot 2: standardized RRM products (RRM — STD) — single framework contract. This service consists of the on-demand provision of geospatial information. This information supports emergency management activities not related to the immediate response phase. … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-Geos S.p.A e-GEOS S.p.A. GAF AG GISAT s.r.o. GMV Aerospace and Defence GMVIS Skysoft S.A GMVIS SKYSOFT, S.S IABG – Industrieanlagen- und... INDRA Sistemas, S.A. Industrieanlagen- und... ITHACA – Information Technology for... Paris Londron Univesitat Salzburg (PLUS),... Planetek Hellas Ltd Planetek Italia S.r.l. SIRS (Systèmes d'Information à Référence... Telespazo Ibérica S.L.U. University of Strasbourg VITO NV (Vlaamse Instelling voor...
2018-08-07   Copernicus emergency management service risk and recovery mapping (European Commission, JRC - Joint Research Centre, JRC.E - Space, Security and Migration (Ispra), JRC.E.1 - Disaster Risk Managem)
This service consists of the on-demand provision of geospatial information. This information supports emergency management activities not related to the immediate response phase. This service addresses prevention, preparedness, disaster risk reduction or recovery phases. Three broad product categories are available: Reference maps provide a comprehensive and updated knowledge of the territory and relevant assets in a disaster risk reduction context. Pre-disaster situation maps provide relevant and … Visualizza l'appalto »
2016-11-04   Ground-based observations for validation (GBOV) of Copernicus global land products (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate D — Sustainable Resources Directorate)
The Copernicus European earth monitoring program (formerly known as GMES, global monitoring for environment and security) has entered in an operational phase following the adoption of the GMES initial operations programme 2011–2013. The global land component, further defined in short as ‘global land’, or through the acronym GL, is earmarked as a component of the land monitoring service, one of the 2 services identified for operational implementation in the abovementioned regulation. The purpose of this … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: ACRI ST SA
2016-07-22   Framework service contract for the supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Sustainable Resources Directorate)
Framework contract for the provision of VHR satellite remote sensing data for the common agricultural policy (CAP), area-based subsidy checks. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging GmbH
2015-10-23   Framework contract for ground-based observations collection (GBOC) for Copernicus global land products validation (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
The ‘Global land component of the GMES land service’ (GIO-GL) of the Copernicus European earth monitoring programme (formerly defined as GMES) led by DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission, entered its initial operation (GIO) phase following the entry into application of Regulation (EU) No 911/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22.9.2010 on the European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011 to 2013). The fully … Visualizza l'appalto »
2015-07-03   Framework service contract for Copernicus emergency management service mapping validation (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen)
The Copernicus emergency management service, in continuation of the GMES initial operations phase, is intended as an operational service offered to the authorised users active in the field of crisis management in the EU Member States, the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the Commission's Directorates-General (DGs) and the participating executive agencies and international humanitarian aid organisations. The core character of the EMS lies in the provision upon activation by the authorised user of … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Trabajos Catastrales SA
2015-02-06   Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data — broker (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
The purpose of this contract is to supply satellite data from the very latest sensors and products. The appointed contractor shall act as a 'broker', by supplying satellite data from the most up-to-date official public (online) product catalogues. Such 'living catalogues' provide the product information and their relevant price lists, concerning data and images from the satellite sensors currently available. The contract shall also cover sensors not yet available, which may be launched within the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-Geos S.P.A. (in consortium with GAF AG)
2014-12-12   Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
Since the Control with Remote Sensing (CwRS) programme began some 20 years ago, the JRC has developed and implemented a process in support to DG AGRI whereby satellite image data can be used to check declarations made under the common agricultural policy (CAP) concerning crop types and the areas farmed. With the growing availability of better satellite data (in terms of resolution), a more efficient acquisition (more agile sensors and an increased number of sensors) and greatly improved IT technology, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Airbus DS Geo SA
2014-12-12   Framework contract for the supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
Since the control with remote sensing (CwRS) programme began some 20 years ago, the JRC has developed and implemented a process in support to DG AGRI whereby satellite image data can be used to check declarations made under the common agricultural policy (CAP) concerning crop types and the areas farmed. With the growing availability of better satellite data (in terms of resolution and number of spectral bands), a more efficient acquisition (more agile sensors, and an increased number of sensors) and a … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging GmbH
2014-08-08   Framework service contract for imagery divided in 2 lots (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen)
This tender is to assess the potential role of unmanned/manned aerial platforms as an alternative source of post-event imagery in emergency situations and in a rapid response context, that require very high spatial resolution or real-time follow-up of events when available satellite images cannot provide it (e.g. earthquakes, urban flooding). The assessment of deployment techniques and legislative aspects is also included. The call is divided in 2 lots: — lot 1: unmanned aerial platforms, — lot 2: manned … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: BLOM CGR S.p.A. Delair-Tech S.A.S.
2014-07-04   Framework service contract for Copernicus emergency management service risk and recovery mapping (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen)
The Copernicus emergency management service, in continuation of the GMES initial operations phase, is intended as an operational service offered to the authorised users active in the field of crisis management in the EU Member States, the European civil protection mechanism, the Commission's Directorates-General (DGs) and the participating executive agencies and international humanitarian aid. The core character of the EMS lies in the provision upon activation by the authorised user of timely and … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (in... Geoapikonisis SA Projects &... Indra Sistemas S.A. (in consortium with...
2014-07-03   Framework service contract for Copernicus emergency management service rapid mapping (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen)
The Copernicus emergency management service, in continuation of the GMES initial operations phase, is intended as an operational service offered to the authorised users active in the field of crisis management in the EU Member States, the European civil protection mechanism, the Commission's Directorates-General (DGs) and the participating executive agencies and international humanitarian aid. The core character of the EMS lies in the provision upon activation by the authorised user of timely and … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-GEOS S.p.A.
2013-08-09   Supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within the common agricultural... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
Very high resolution (VHR) sensor-independent ‘profile' — framework contract (FC) enabling the supply of satellite imagery. The supplier will be requested to provide satellite imagery, manage the scheduling of image acquisition, and ensure timely delivery. Images to be purchased will be defined through sensor-independent ‘profiles' ('VHR profiles'). These VHR image profiles will define clear specification parameters necessary for control with remote sensing (CwRS) and land parcel identification system … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging GmbH
2012-09-12   Supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within the common agricultural... (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability)
The call for tender is divided into 2 lots: lot 1: very high resolution (VHR) sensor-independent ‘profile' lot 2: high resolution (HR) sensor-independent ‘profile'. Each lot will result in 1 framework contract (FC) enabling the supply of satellite imagery. The supplier will be requested to provide satellite imagery, manage the scheduling of image acquisition, and ensure timely delivery. Images to be purchased will be defined through sensor-independent ‘profiles'. These VHR and HR image ‘profiles' will … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Spot Image SA
2012-09-12   Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability)
The purpose of this contract is to supply satellite data from the very latest sensors and products. The appointed contractor shall act as a 'broker', by supplying satellite data from the most up to date official public (online) product catalogues. Such 'living catalogues' provide the product information and their relevant price lists, concerning data and images from the satellite sensors currently available. The contract shall also cover sensors not yet available, which may be launched within the … Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-04-16   Fornitura di n. 5 sistemi di ripresa aerea con telecamere giro stabilizzate multi sensore da montare a bordo degli... (Ministero dell'Interno-dipartimento della pubblica sicurezza-direzione centrale per la polizia stradale, ferroviaria, delle comu)
Fornitura di n. 5 sistemi integrati di ripresa aerea con telecamere giro stabilizzate per ripresa aerea, multi sensore, in alta definizione, di ultima generazione, con relativi componenti quali monitor, videorecorder, generatore mappe, unità di controllo, da installare a bordo degli elicotteri AB212 della Polizia di Stato. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Insis SpA System Engineering