2019-09-05   Framework Contract for the Supply of Satellite Remote Sensing Data and Associated Services in Support of... (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.D — Sustainable Resources (Ispra), JRC.D.5 — Food Security)
Supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support of on-the spot-checks within the Common agricultural policy (CAP). Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Airbus DS Geo SA
2019-07-05   CAP Agricultural Aid Check Based on Monitoring — High High Resolution Satellite (HHR) 'Time Stacks' Product or... (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.D — Sustainable Resources (Ispra), JRC.D.5 — Food Security)
The object of this tender is to purchase such ‘time stacks’ i.e. a signal variation through time (temporal axis) either as a product in itself or through the access to a portal which allows extraction of the information for further use, under 2019 campaign. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: GAF AG Planet Labs Germany GMBH
2016-07-22   Framework service contract for the supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Sustainable Resources Directorate)
Framework contract for the provision of VHR satellite remote sensing data for the common agricultural policy (CAP), area-based subsidy checks. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging GmbH
2015-02-06   Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data — broker (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
The purpose of this contract is to supply satellite data from the very latest sensors and products. The appointed contractor shall act as a 'broker', by supplying satellite data from the most up-to-date official public (online) product catalogues. Such 'living catalogues' provide the product information and their relevant price lists, concerning data and images from the satellite sensors currently available. The contract shall also cover sensors not yet available, which may be launched within the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-Geos S.P.A. (in consortium with GAF AG)
2014-12-12   Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
Since the Control with Remote Sensing (CwRS) programme began some 20 years ago, the JRC has developed and implemented a process in support to DG AGRI whereby satellite image data can be used to check declarations made under the common agricultural policy (CAP) concerning crop types and the areas farmed. With the growing availability of better satellite data (in terms of resolution), a more efficient acquisition (more agile sensors and an increased number of sensors) and greatly improved IT technology, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Airbus DS Geo SA
2014-12-12   Framework contract for the supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
Since the control with remote sensing (CwRS) programme began some 20 years ago, the JRC has developed and implemented a process in support to DG AGRI whereby satellite image data can be used to check declarations made under the common agricultural policy (CAP) concerning crop types and the areas farmed. With the growing availability of better satellite data (in terms of resolution and number of spectral bands), a more efficient acquisition (more agile sensors, and an increased number of sensors) and a … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging GmbH
2013-08-09   Supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within the common agricultural... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
Very high resolution (VHR) sensor-independent ‘profile' — framework contract (FC) enabling the supply of satellite imagery. The supplier will be requested to provide satellite imagery, manage the scheduling of image acquisition, and ensure timely delivery. Images to be purchased will be defined through sensor-independent ‘profiles' ('VHR profiles'). These VHR image profiles will define clear specification parameters necessary for control with remote sensing (CwRS) and land parcel identification system … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: European Space Imaging GmbH
2012-09-12   Supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within the common agricultural... (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability)
The call for tender is divided into 2 lots: lot 1: very high resolution (VHR) sensor-independent ‘profile' lot 2: high resolution (HR) sensor-independent ‘profile'. Each lot will result in 1 framework contract (FC) enabling the supply of satellite imagery. The supplier will be requested to provide satellite imagery, manage the scheduling of image acquisition, and ensure timely delivery. Images to be purchased will be defined through sensor-independent ‘profiles'. These VHR and HR image ‘profiles' will … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Spot Image SA
2012-09-12   Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Environment and Sustainability)
The purpose of this contract is to supply satellite data from the very latest sensors and products. The appointed contractor shall act as a 'broker', by supplying satellite data from the most up to date official public (online) product catalogues. Such 'living catalogues' provide the product information and their relevant price lists, concerning data and images from the satellite sensors currently available. The contract shall also cover sensors not yet available, which may be launched within the … Visualizza l'appalto »