Descrizione dell'appalto
This procurement concerns the two Post Focal Deformable Mirrors (DM1 and DM2) and all the related documentation of the MORFEO Instruments, the Adaptive Optics module for the ELT Telescope.
A detailed description of the technical specification of the two Deformable Mirrors is available in the procurement documents. The contract shall comprise the following phases:
DM1 Phase 1 (firm phase) Design and performance analysis of DM1
Procurement of elements necessary for the construction of DM1 which require long production times (list to be proposed by the contractor and to be approved by INAF at contract signature)
DM2 Phase 1 (firm phase) Design and performance analysis of DM2
Procurement of elements necessary for the construction of DM2 which require long production times (list to be proposed by the contractor and to be approved by INAF at contract signature)
DM1 Phase 2 (conditional phase) Procurement and/or construction of the elements needed to build DM1 and their Assembly
Transfer of Ownership of the complete set of components of DM1
Integration and Factory Test of DM1
Delivery to Bologna Integration Hall,
On-site Test and commissioning of DM1
40 hours of training to INAF personnel and, if requested, to ESO personnel
DM2 Phase 2 (conditional phase)
Procurement and/or construction of the elements needed to build DM2 and their Assembly
Transfer of Ownership of the complete set of components of DM2
Integration and Factory Test of DM2
Delivery to Bologna Integration Hall,
On-site Test and commissioning of DM2
40 hours of training to INAF personnel and, if requested, to ESO personnel
For each DM the transition between Phase 1 and the (optional and not granted)
Phase 2 will be subject to internal and external conditions:
INAF accepts the Final Design for that DM upon review and joint recommendation by the MORFEO Consortium and ESO
For both DM the acceptance procedures shall be as follows:
Phase 1
The acceptance of the Final Design will be done by evaluating the requested documents.
The acceptance of the (optional) Start of Early Procurement will be done by evaluating the procurement documentation and verifying the execution of the proper agreed procedure.
Phase 2
For Phase 2 there will be two separate acceptance procedures.
The first acceptance procedure consists in the verification that all components of a DM are present at the Contractor premises and have the required characteristics. After this first acceptance the Integration of the DM can start.
The second acceptance process for the physical equipment (DM1, DM2) will be carried out through structured test sessions. These test sessions will verify that the DM fulfils all the technical specifications. The test sessions will be executed at the Factory premises and, later, at the INAF Integration site.
The final acceptance is reached when all the waivers for both DM are closed.
The date of the Kick Off Meeting of Phase 1 (T0) will be decided at the time of the contract signature and must in any case take place within 30 days from the date of the contract signature. The start of Phase 2 (T1) will happen when all Action Items arisen from DMs’ FDR are closed.
In the following schedules we have assumed, as a tentative reference, T1=T0+18.
However T1 could be different from that assumption.
All the dates of milestones are to be considered tentative and will be confirmed at project start, except for the following ones that are fixed:
the date of DM2 Transfer of Ownership (DM2 Integration Readiness), that is constrained by the rules of the National Fund for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR, the European programme managed by the Italian Research Ministry that funds the DM2);
this date is fixed to 30th June 2025, unless possible shifts according to PNRR rules;
the end of DM1 Phase 2 and of DM2 Phase 2 with respect to T1 (T1+35 for DM2 and T1+39 for DM1)