2023-12-11   Procedura aperta telematica per appalto di fornitura di una Sorgente di plasmi basata sulla tecnologia “Electron... (INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania)
Procedura aperta europea ai sensi degli articoli 58 e 71 del D. Lgs. N. 36/2023 per la fornitura di una Sorgente di plasmi basata sulla tecnologia “Electron Beam Ion Source”, uno Spettrografo UV-VIS-NIR, uno Spettrografo X e un Sistema laser amplificato a femtosecondo a 1.55 micron con frequenza di ripetizione di 10 GHz per le esigenze del Progetto: PNRR STILES, M.4, C.2, Investimento 3.1 - Activity 4301 – WP 4000 ExoLabs – Laboratory Plasma Spectroscopy, Codice Identificativo: IR0000034, Codice Unico di … Visualizza l'appalto »
2022-12-20   Procedure for the Sale of the Test Facilities VELA 5/6 (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C – Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.4 – Sustainable Transpor)
The objective of this procedure is to sell to external interested companies the testing/measuring equipment in the VELA facilities VELA 5/6. These facilities are being phased out by the Unit C.4 due to a low usage rate in the last years. A note explaining the reasons and the status of the facilities is attached to the request. Visualizza l'appalto »
2019-04-15   Supply and Maintenance of a Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determination (SHED) (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.4 — Sustainable Transpor)
The objective of this call for tenders is to obtain a complete “turn-key” Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determination (SHED) as prescribed by the Regulation (EU) 2018/1832. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: AVL Italia SRL — Societa' Per...
2018-10-22   Portable Emission Measurement Systems for On-road Vehicle Emission Testing (European Commission (JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate Directorate))
The JRC is involved in the review process of the real driving emissions legislation and one of the tasks is to assess the uncertainty of the on-road emission measurement taking into consideration the different models of portable emission measurement systems available on the market. For this reason the JRC needs to purchase different PEMS systems from different manufacturers to asses their short and long term stability. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Addair S.A.S. AIP GmBH & CO. KG AVL Italia Srl Horiba Italia Srl Sensors Europe GmbH
2017-08-29   Supply and maintenance of portable emissions measurement systems (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C — Energy, Transport and Climate, JRC.C.4 — Sustainable Transport)
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) is involved in regulatory developments regarding the emissions of light-duty vehicles (LDV) and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV). The Vehicle and Emissions Laboratory (VELA) of the Sustainable Transport Unit (STU) needs to reinforce its testing capacities and plans to establish a contract for the supply of portable emissions measurement systems (PEMS) both for gaseous and PN emissions from light-duty, medium-duty (mini vans) and heavy-duty vehicles powered … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: AVL Italia S.r.l.
2017-03-21   Supply and maintenance of portable emission measurement systems divided in 2 lots (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC. C — Energy, Transport and Climate, JRC.C.4 — Sustainable Transport)
Supply and maintenance of portable emission measurement systems 2 lots. The Sustainable Transport Unit is involved in research activities for the development of a test procedure to measure real driving emissions from vehicles. In addition, DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs has requested the JRC to perform tests on vehicles already on the market to monitor their emission performance on the road. Visualizza l'appalto »
2016-07-15   Procedura aperta per la fornitura, installazione, messa in servizio, manutenzione e taratura di sistemi di misura... (Geofor SpA)
Procedura aperta per la fornitura, installazione, messa in servizio, manutenzione e taratura di sistemi di misura per l'adeguamento SME (sistema di monitoraggio emissioni) del termovaloirzzatore di Ospedaletto ai sensi del D.lgs 46/2014. Visualizza l'appalto »
2016-04-15   Fornitura di un olfattometro dinamico per la determinazione della concentrazione di odore UNI EN 13725:2004 (ARPA Puglia)
Fornitura di un olfattometro dinamico destinato alle attività di controllo e ricerca del Centro Regionale Aria. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Olfasense GmbH
2015-07-08   Advanced portable emissions measurement system (PEMS) for emissions testing on vehicles (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Air and Climate Unit)
By co-chairing the DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs' working group on ‘real-driving emissions of light-duty vehicles’ (RDE-LDV), the vehicle and emissions laboratory (VELA) of STU is contributing significantly to the establishment of the RDE-LDV test procedure and is therefore planning to establish a contract for the supply of an advanced portable emissions measurement system (PEMS) for light-duty and medium-duty (minivans) vehicles powered by gasoline, diesel, compressed natural … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: AVL Italia Srl
2014-10-03   «Servizio triennale di manutenzione della RMA del Comune di Cagliari — anni 2014-2017» a corpo. CIG 5765995997 (Comune di Cagliari)
Affidamento triennale del servizio di manutenzione della Rete di Monitoraggio dell'Aria del Comune di Cagliari come meglio specificato all'art. 1 del Capitolato Speciale d'Appalto (CSA). Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Project automation SpA
2014-07-28   Supply and maintenance of an advanced portable emission measurement system (PEMS) for on-vehicle emissions testing (European Commission, Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The subject of the present procedure is the supply of an advanced portable emission measurement system (PEMS) able to test light-duty vehicles powered by gasoline, diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and equipped with hybrid powertrains. In addition the contract will include preventive and corrective maintenance of the system. Visualizza l'appalto »
2014-07-08   Supply and installation of an analyser bench for the VELA 1 facility for the measurement of exhaust emissions from vehicles (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport)
The subject of the contract is the supply of an analyser bench for regulated emissions for VELA 1 test facility in order to replace the existing system which is obsolete: — supply, assembly, installation, testing and training of an analyser bench for the measurement of regulated emissions from vehicles within 10 months from the date on which it is signed by the last contracting party and a 2-year guarantee from the date of certificate of conformity. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: AVL Italia Srl
2012-07-06   Supply, installation and maintenance of a fully equipped emission test facility for measuring energy efficiency and... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport)
The aim of this call to tender is to obtain a complete 'turnkey' automotive dynamic testing facility for electric and hybrid vehicles, featuring at least the load range of existing and potential future drive cycles, and enabling the JRC to perform recording and analyses of vehicle performance and exhaust emissions. Visualizza l'appalto »
2012-06-20   Supply and maintenance of an automatic VOC analyser (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
The subject of the present procedure is the supply of an automatic VOC analyser in order to perform an analysis of ozone precursors in ambient air at ppt levels for the European monitoring and evaluation programme (EMEP). In addition the contract will include preventative and corrective maintenance of the system. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: SRA Instruments Italia SpA
2012-05-31   Supply and maintenance of particle counting and sizing systems to characterise particle emissions from vehicles in... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport)
The subject of the contract is the supply of advanced particle counting and sizing systems in order to characterise particles emitted by engines. The contract for the supply is divided into 2 lots: — lot 1: supply, installation, verification testing of a sampling/counting system for the measurement of the particle number concentration in the VELA laboratory and related training, — lot 2: supply, installation, verification testing of a near real time particle sizer system for the measurement of the size … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: AVL Italia S.r.l.
2012-05-24   Supply and maintenance of an advanced portable emission measurement system (PEMS) for on-road measurement of... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport)
The subject of the present procedure is the supply of an advanced portable emission measurement system (PEMS) to be used for the measurement of gaseous emissions from vehicles in real world driving conditions. In addition the contract will include preventative and corrective maintenance of the system. Visualizza l'appalto »
2011-03-24   Framework contract for the supply of consumables and accessories for chromatography and spectroscopy (European Commission, Joint Research Centre — Institute for Health and Consumer Protection — MSU, TP 582)
The purpose of this framework contract is the supply of a large variety of consumables, spare parts and accessories for chromatography and spectroscopy such as vials, septa, filters, syringes, lamps, analytical columns, gas generator, valves, detectors, pumps, manometers etc. from different producers. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: CPS Analitica Srl
2011-03-02   Servizio di manutenzione della rete di monitoraggio dell'aria (RMA) complementare del Comune di Cagliari. CIG n. 1096764647 (Comune di Cagliari - servizio appalti)
(maggiori dettagli nel disciplinare tecnico e nel capitolato d'oneri). La prestazione principale: (215 000,00 EUR + IVA) comprende: 1) la manutenzione preventiva e correttiva: — Delle postazioni fisse di misura componenti la RMA complementare del Comune di Cagliari (CAG03-rep, CAG04-ita, CAG05-dia e CAG07-itt), Delle apparecchiature e/o manufatti oggetto di fornitura del presente appalto, — Del sistema di allarme pioggia via SMS delle stazioni CAG02-ave, CAG04-ita e CAG06-ciu, — Del COC collocato presso … Visualizza l'appalto »
2010-12-31   Sistema di monitoraggio in continuo delle emissioni ai camini - centrale di Taranto (Edison SpA)
Sistemi di monitoraggio in continuo delle emissioni di n. 6 camini delle 2 centrali termoelettriche denominate CET2 e CET3 completi di unità di prelievo, trasporto e trattamento dei campioni, unità di analisi e misura e unità di acquisizione. L'appalto includerà la fornitura dei materiali, i montaggi e la messa in servizio. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Siemens SpA