Appalti: European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec

8 appalti archiviati

European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec รจ stato storicamente un acquirente di attrezzature da laboratorio, ottiche e di precisione (escluso vetri), macchine e apparecchi, attrezzature e articoli di consumo elettrici; illuminazione e attrezzature e apparecchiature elettriche.
Storicamente, i fornitori di European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec sono stati Cameca, Cerap, Else Nuclear Srl, Monsud SpA, Nucleco Societร  per l'Ecoingegneria Nucleare, Onet Technologies ND, RadTech SRL, RTS Instruments SRL e Scientifica Panzeri di Panzeri Marco.

Acquisti recenti da parte di European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec

2019-10-07   Supply of Nine Fixed Effluent Tritium Monitors at the JRC-Ispra (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
Tritium monitoring is important for the JRC-Ispra. It is therefore necessary to implement a system of monitoring devices for measuring tritium contamination in gaseous effluent from controlled areas of nuclear facilities. Supply of 9 fixed effluent tritium monitors at the JRC-Ispra. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Else Nuclear Srl RTS Instruments SRL
2019-09-06   Costruzione di nuovo edificio 75f-INS3L (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
Il bando di gara riguarda la costruzione di un nuovo edificio che ospiterร  attivitร  di ricerca e formazione in materia di sicurezza e protezione nucleare e standardizzazione. Ciรฒ include lavori di costruzione civile (prefabbricati e lavori in loco) e relativi sistemi meccanici ed elettrici (pannelli solari inclusi). Il progetto esecutivo approvato prende giร  in considerazione gli aspetti ambientali relativi ai requisiti di efficienza energetica ed i relativi aspetti connessi come la scelta dei materiali โ€ฆ Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Monsud SpA
2019-06-14   Framework Contract in 2 Lots for the Supply of Small Equipment and Laboratories Supplies, Plastic Articles,... (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
JRC Ispra laboratories needs to establish a framework contract for the supply of laboratory equipment and laboratory supplies. This contract will be divided in 2 lots: Lot 1: Supply of Small Equipment for Scientific Laboratories; Lot 2: Laboratories Supplies, Plastic Articles, Accessories, Consumables, Glassware for Scientific Laboratories. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Scientifica Panzeri di Panzeri Marco
2019-03-01   Supply of Radiation Protection Services, Lot 1: Radiation Protection Expert Service Support, Lot 2: Operational... (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
Supply of radiation protection services โ€“ scientific, technical and documental support in order to ensure RP according to Italian legislation, RPE policy and directives and license prescriptions Lot 1: Radiation Protection Expert Service Support; Lot 2: Operational Radiation Protection and Laboratories Assistance. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Cerap Onet Technologies ND
2018-08-08   Supply of eight In-Situ Whole Body Surface Contamination Monitors (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
To guarantee the needed safe radiological conditions for all the operating staff, a radiological surveillance with routine and non-routine radiometric checks is in force and executed by the Operational Radiation Protection and Labs Sector (ORP&LABS) personnel as established by the Qualified Expert and required by D. Lgs. 230/95. These new monitors will extend the capability of radioprotection sector of nuclear decommissioning unit of JRC Ispra to check the whole body surface contamination of the exposed โ€ฆ Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: RadTech SRL
2018-06-05   On-site and off-site analytical support to site Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements (LMR) of Nuclear... (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
The procedure is subdivided in 2 lots, implemented for supporting LMR (site Laboratory for Radioactivity Measurements) in its core activities: 1) Lot 1: on-site support. Since LMR has limited statutory personnel for the measurement of radioactive and potentially radioactive samples, in order to satisfy the demand of chemical, radiochemical and radiometric analyses and โ€œin situ" measurements from Nuclear Decommissioning Unit (NDU) services, it has been decided to get the support of personnel outsourced โ€ฆ Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Nucleco Societร  per l'Ecoingegneria Nucleare
2018-02-23   Supply and maintenance of a high resolution multi-collector ICP-MS (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
The supply consists of a high resolution multi-collector double focusing ICP-MS system. The associated services include installation of the instrument, training on-site and maintenance services. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Cameca
2017-12-20   Donation of the JRC MC-40 Cyclotron by the JRC-Ispra of the European Commission (European Commission, JRC โ€” Joint Research Centre, JRC.G โ€” Nuclear Safety and Security (Karlsruhe), JRC.G.III.9 โ€” JRC Nuclear Dec)
The procurement aims at selecting an interested party (or tenderer) that will be the recipient of the donation of the Cyclotron MC 40 and correlated equipment owned by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (the Contracting Authority or Donor). The Cyclotron and ancillary equipment are currently located at the Ispra site of the JRC and is no longer in use since 1.1.2015. Visualizza l'appalto ยป