Gli appalti pubblici in Italia
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
Appalti: European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
5 appalti archiviati
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management รจ stato storicamente un acquirente di
mobili (incluso mobili da ufficio), arredamento, apparecchi elettrodomestici (escluso illuminazione) e prodotti per pulizie
mobili per laboratorio
Storicamente, i fornitori di European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management sono stati
European Mutual Association for Nuclear Insurance (EMANI)
Ferraro arredi Tecnici Srl (in temporary grouping with Omega Concept Impianti e Sistemi SpA)
Scientifica Panzeri di Marco Panzeri
Tanks International s.r.l.
Transima Italiana SpA
Acquisti recenti da parte di European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
Framework contract for the supply of plastic articles, accessories, consumables, glassware, laboratory supplies and...
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
This call is to invite economic operators to supply laboratory consumables and small equipment.
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati:
Scientifica Panzeri di Marco Panzeri
All risks insurance contracts for direct physical loss or damage at the JRC
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
The JRC intends to sign 4 insurance contracts covering fire, natural and industrial hazards and material damage to nuclear and non-nuclear installations at 4 JRC research sites. The insurance must cover the buildings (nuclear reactors, nuclear laboratories, offices, welfare services, non-nuclear laboratories) and their contents (machinery and equipment, laboratory instruments and consumables, fissionable material, furniture and other goods). There are 2 lots for each JRC site: lot (A) the premium is โฆ
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati:
European Mutual Association for Nuclear...
Supply and installation of furniture and utilities for laboratories in buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP at the JRC Ispra site
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
Supply and installation of furniture for laboratories including benches, traditional and special cupboards, fume hoods, mainly in the new buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP and secondarily in other premises at the JRC Ispra site. The contract foresees the provision of the following related services: a) the preparation and submission for the JRC approval of the final construction design; b) the training of the Commission staff; c) the guarantee and maintenance (ordinary and extraordinary) of the furniture for โฆ
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati:
Ferraro arredi Tecnici Srl (in temporary...
Supply and installation of furniture and utilities for laboratories in buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP at the JRC Ispra site
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
Supply and installation of furniture for laboratories including benches, traditional and special cupboards, fume hoods, mainly in the new buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP and secondarily in other premises at the JRC Ispra site. The contract foresees the provision of the following related services: a) the preparation and submission for the JRC approval of the final construction design; b) the training of the Commission staff; c) the guarantee and maintenance (ordinary and extraordinary) of the furniture for โฆ
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Framework contract for the supply of pallets and drums for radioactive waste management operations and related...
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management
Lot 1: supply of stackable metallic storage pallets for 200-litre drums and related services. Lot 2: supply of 200-litre steel drums for alpha-contaminated and non-alpha-contaminated radioactive waste and related services.
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati:
Tanks International s.r.l.
Transima Italiana SpA
Ricerche correlate
European Mutual Association for Nuclear...
Ferraro arredi Tecnici Srl (in temporary...
Scientifica Panzeri di Marco Panzeri
Tanks International s.r.l.
Transima Italiana SpA
Mobili (incluso mobili da ufficio),...
Mobili per laboratorio
Indumenti, calzature, articoli da viaggio...
Indumenti speciali ed accessori
Accessori di vestiario
Guanti monouso
Cuoio e tessuti tessili, materiali di...
Materiali di gomma e plastica