2023-04-11   Call for Tender Implementing Body Selection Procedure - Project "Fruit24" (Apo Conerpo ScA)
APO CONERPO SCA (APO CONERPO) (the Coordinator), and AGROTIKOS SYNETAIRISMOS KOINIS GEORGIKIS EKMETALLEUSIS O AGIOS LOUKAS RACHIS PIERIAS (AGIOS LOUKAS) (Partner), are the Contracting Authorities for the Open Call for Proposals 01-03.2023 concerning the selection of implementing body (ies) with award criterion the most economically advantageous tender based on the best price-quality ratio for the implementation of the Grant Agreement (hereinafter the “Action”) 101095465 — Fruit24 submitted under … Visualizza l'appalto »
2022-04-20   Bando di selezione mediante procedura competitiva aperta per la selezione di un organismo incaricato dell'esecuzione... (Apo Conerpo ScA)
In linea con gli obiettivi strategici fissati dalla Commissione nell’ambito del Regolamento (UE) 1144/2014 e con il Work Programme 2021 per quanto concerne il topic 3, il progetto “Pears with love”: a case study of sustainable agriculture " ha come obiettivo generale quello di mettere in evidenza le caratteristiche tecniche che definiscono la sostenibilità in agricoltura e aumentare nei consumatori la consapevolezza degli apporti benefici che un’agricoltura sostenibile garantisce al clima e … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: SG Project S.r.l.
2019-11-08   Announcement of Selection through an Open Competitive Procedure for the Selection of the Implementing Body in Charge... (Apo Conerpo ScA)
Apo Conerpo ScA — as the proposing body of the 3-year program ‘European products, the quality supply chain’ presented to the European Commission pursuant to the Reg. 1144/2014, 1829/2015 and 1831/2015, following the call for proposals 2019 simple programs published in the Official Journal of the European Union 15.1.2019 No (2019/C 18/04) and approved by decision of the European Commission C (2019) 7432 of 10.21.2019 — announces a call for tenders for the selection, by means of an open competitive … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: SG Project S.r.l.