Fornitore: Roversi Cesare Arredamenti Srl

Un appalto archiviato

Storicamente, gli offerenti in competizione sono stati Audia Italia SRL e Profil Nabytec a.s..

Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Roversi Cesare Arredamenti Srl

2022-06-16   Provision of Innovative and Eco-friendly Furniture for Meeting Rooms and Offices (European Food Safety Authority (EFSA))
The aim of this framework contract is to perform the following activities: โ€” provision of standard furniture and furnishing articles, โ€” customisation of standard furniture or related articles, โ€” provision of bespoke furniture and furnishing articles, โ€” collection and disposal (or reuse) of EFSAโ€™s existing furniture. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Audia Italia SRL Profil Nabytec a.s. Roversi Cesare Arredamenti Srl
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