Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Hans-Hermann Thulke
2022-11-29Support Services for Expert Knowledge Elicitation โ OC/EFSA/MESE/2022/05 (European Food Safety Authority (EFSA))
The overall aim of this procedure is to provide support services for the phases of expert knowledge elicitation as input into EFSA outputs using EFSA's expert knowledge elicitation methods, but also any other EKE method with a defined protocol, depending on the specific request, the type of question, the available resources (e.g. time, staff involvement, etc.) and number of elicited experts in specific EFSA areas like chemical risk assessment; microbial risk assessment; environmental risk assessment; โฆ
Visualizza l'appalto ยป Fornitori citati:Hans-Hermann ThulkeLund University