2022-06-06   Copernicus Emergency Management Service – Rapid Mapping (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.E - Space, Security and Migration (Ispra), JRC.E.1 - Disaster Risk Managem)
Framework service contract for Copernicus emergency management service. The service is based on the acquisition, processing and analysis, in rapid mode, of satellite imagery and other geospatial data sources in the immediate aftermath of a disaster to support informed decision making. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Collecte Localisation Satellites Société Anonyme e-Geos SpA GAF AG Gmvis Skysoft SA Industrieanlagen- betriebsgesellschaft MBH Ithaca S.R.L. Planetek Hellas Etaireia Periorismenis... Telespazio Ibérica S.L. Sociedad Limitada... Université de Strasbourg
2021-04-06   Servizio di monitoraggio satellitare della vegetazione sommersa della laguna dello Stagnone e acquisizione delle... (Comune di Marsala)
Servizio di monitoraggio satellitare della vegetazione sommersa della laguna dello Stagnone e acquisizione delle relative immagini satellitari e attività di trapianto sperimentale di Posidonia oceanica. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Biosurvey srl e-Geos SpA RTI - Planetek Italia srl ( mandataria),...
2019-11-25   AP308 Interferometrisches Satellitenmonitoring Baulos Mauls 2-3 (Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE)
Im Rahmen der Beweissicherungstätigkeiten im Rahmen des Vorhabens betreffend die Errichtung des Brenner Basistunnels ist eine obertägige Beweissicherung anhand der Analyse der Radardaten des Satelliten, die mit interferometrischer Technik verarbeitet werden. Ziel dieser Beweissicherung ist die Rekonstruktion der Entwicklungsbedingungen in den an die BBT-Infrastruktur angrenzenden Bereichen im Abschnitt zwischen dem Pfitschtal und der Staatsgrenze am Brenner. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-GEOS S.p.A. e-Geos SpA
2018-09-07   Framework contract for Copernicus Emergency Management Service — Rapid Mapping (European Commission, JRC — Joint Research Centre, JRC.E — Space, Security and Migration (Ispra), JRC.E.1 — Disaster Risk Managem)
The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) is one of the six core services offered by Copernicus. It is intended as an operational service provided to the users active in the field of disaster management in the EU Member States, the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the Commission’s Directorates General (DGs), the participating Executive Agencies, and international actors in humanitarian aid. The contract refers to the Rapid Mapping module of the CEMS Mapping component. It consists of the … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Associazione Ithaca e-Geos SpA GAF AG Gmvis Skysoft SA SIRS Telespazio Iberica University of Strasbourg
2016-11-04   Copernicus data (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate Sustainable Resources (Ispra))
Fire danger forecast computation and near-real time mapping and assessment of forest fires and wildfires from satellite remote sensing are components of the European forest fire information system (EFFIS), which is part of the emergency management services of Copernicus since October 2015. The current procurement is aimed at outsourcing the operation of EFFIS under Copernicus. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) e-Geos SpA National Observatory of Athens (NOA) University of Strasbourg (SERTIT)
2015-07-24   Framework service contract for global land high-resolution hot spot monitoring within the global land component of... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability)
The main objective of this activity is to provide detailed land information on specific areas of interest for the European Union (EU) outside the EU territory. The service will answer to ad hoc requests and focus particularly within the domain of the sustainable management of natural resources. For such areas of interest, including protected areas or hot spots for biodiversity and land degradation, land cover and land cover change products will be provided. The activities of the contract are organised in … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-Geos SpA Eoxplore (Haftungsbeschräkt) GmbH IGN France International ITHACA Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft ONF International SC Gisbox SRL Space4environment SARL Telespazio Ibérica SLU
2015-01-12   Procedura aperta — ai sensi dell'art. 55 e degli artt. 81 e 83 del D.Lgs. n.163/2006 e s.m.i. (Codice dei contratti... (Agenzia spaziale italiana)
Procedura aperta — ai sensi dell'art. 55 e degli artt. 81 e 83 del D.Lgs. n.163/2006 e s.m.i. (Codice dei contratti pubblici relativi a lavori, servizi, forniture, di seguito indicato «Codice») per l'affidamento delle attività afferenti il progetto «Nuova Rete Fiduciale Nazionale GNSS», con il quale ASI intende adeguare e densificare l'attuale Rete Fiduciale GPS italiana ed aggiornare il relativo sistema di M&C (Monitor and Control) e di archiviazione dei dati. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: e-Geos SpA