Fornitore: Capnutra Capacity Development in Nutrition Udruženje za Istraživanja u Ishrani

Un appalto archiviato

Capnutra Capacity Development in Nutrition Udruženje za Istraživanja u Ishrani è stato storicamente un fornitore di servizi informatici: consulenza, sviluppo di software, Internet e supporto e servizi di elaborazione dati.
Storicamente, gli offerenti in competizione sono stati Creme Software Ltd e European Food Information Ressource (EUROFIR).

Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Capnutra Capacity Development in Nutrition Udruženje za Istraživanja u Ishrani

2020-07-01   RPC (Raw Primary Commodity) Model Update (European Food Safety Authority (EFSA))
The objectives of the contract resulting from this procurement procedure are as follows: • develop a protocol for populating the three input tables used by the RPC model; • populate the: 1) the disaggregation table, 2) the hierarchy of the probability table, and 3) the conversion table based on the above-mentioned protocol; • prepare an external scientific report providing instructions on the use of the recipes and conversion factors and highlighting possible limitations, associated uncertainties, … Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Capnutra Capacity Development in... Creme Software Ltd European Food Information Ressource (EUROFIR)