Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione
each bidder, together with the application form and the documents prescribed in the notice and in the related tender specifications, must present the following documentation, under penalty of exclusion:
a. valid certification, certifying compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, issued by an ACCREDIA certified body or other body in mutual recognition, relating to one of the following accreditation sectors: 18-29-31-33-34 -36, or self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, which certifies possession;
b. self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, certifying the achievement, in the years 2020-2021-2022, of an average annual turnover (excluding VAT), in the sector of activity covered by the contract, equal to or higher than the total amount placed on the basis of the tender (€ 300.000,00);
c. self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, with which the competitor declares to have a technical assistance center on the national territory (authorized by the manufacturer of the systems if it does not coincide);
d. self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, with which the competitor declares to have a training center authorized by ENAC able to provide, in compliance with EASA regulations, the training service described in the technical specifications.
In case of participation in R.T.I., the requirement referred to in:
- lit. a., must be owned by all the individual companies combined;
- lit. b., c. and d., must be owned by the grouping fully intended.
The Administration reserves the right to organize technical inspections at the premises, even secondary ones, of the competitors, to verify their technical capacity. The relative costs are to be borne by the competitor.
The minimum levels of technical capacity are justified since the object of this procedure is the stipulation of a contract for the supply of 3 UAV systems, with the option for the Administration to purchase a further 22, at the same technical and economic conditions checked at the time of competition.