Framework contract for ground-based observations collection (GBOC) for Copernicus global land products validation
The โGlobal land component of the GMES land serviceโ (GIO-GL) of the Copernicus European earth monitoring programme (formerly defined as GMES) led by DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission, entered its initial operation (GIO) phase following the entry into application of Regulation (EU) No 911/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22.9.2010 on the European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011 to 2013).
The fully operational programme (2014โ2020) started under the Copernicus Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 377/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3.4.2014 establishing the Copernicus Programme and repealing Regulation (EU) No 911/2010).
Under the Copernicus Regulation, a specific reference is done in Article 6.2 to the ground-based data for validating EO products:
โ provision of in situ data for calibration and validation of dedicated mission observations, and
โ provision, archiving and dissemination of contributing mission data complementing dedicated mission data.
The GBOC-GL tasks can be part of 1 step, among others, to facilitate users in judging the fitness-for-purpose of the GIO and Copernicus land record.
The scope of the present tender for the GBOC-GL service is:
(i) the collection of existing ground-based measurements from multiple years and the acquisition of future ground-based measurements, according to well defined and accepted protocols; and
(ii) the implementation and maintenance of a database containing the observations and ancillary data, and a Web-based platform for enabling the users to access the above defined datasets and related metadata.
The service is organised into 3 components:
1) collection of multiple years' ground-based measurements, including historical time series, from existing sites;
2) acquisition of multiple years' ground-based measurements for additional sites; and
3) data distribution to users in the framework of land product validation activities.
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2016-01-12.
L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2015-10-23.
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