Supply, installation and maintenance of a facility for electromagnetic compatibility testing of electric and hybrid electric vehicles (Vela 9)

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Energy and Transport

The Electromobility and Interoperability Laboratories of the Sustainable Transport Unit require a semi-anechoic chamber that contains a 2-axis roller bench testing electric and electric hybrid vehicles in view of the EMC behaviour under load. The size class of vehicles under test on this equipment will range from passenger cars to light city-delivery vans and minibuses.
The contract will include preventive and corrective maintenance.

Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2012-10-15. L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2012-07-18.




Storia dell'approvvigionamento
Data Documento
2012-07-18 Avviso di gara
2012-08-31 Informazioni complementari
2012-10-10 Informazioni complementari
2012-10-12 Informazioni complementari
2013-03-20 Informazioni complementari
2013-06-06 Informazioni complementari