Fornitore: Top Drive S.r.l.

2 appalti archiviati

Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Top Drive S.r.l.

2019-12-03   Accelerated Restricted Procedure to ensure, for No 48 Months, the Maintenance Service and the Supply of Spare Parts... (Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri โ€” Centro Unico Contrattuale)
Put back into service common and special-purpose vehicles (fitted out) and their total made inefficient due to breakdown or damage which, at the time when they need repair work, can be found for any reason within the territory of the lot of reference. The awarded companies must be able to carry out repairs both for vehicles belonging to the FCA group, for Subaru and other foreign car manufacturers. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Top Drive S.r.l. Top Drive srl