Gli appalti pubblici in Italia
Fornitore: Softeco Sismat S.r.l.
Fornitore: Softeco Sismat S.r.l.
Un appalto archiviato
Softeco Sismat S.r.l. รจ stato storicamente un fornitore di
pacchetti software e sistemi di informazione
servizi informatici: consulenza, sviluppo di software, Internet e supporto
programmazione di software e servizi di consulenza
Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Softeco Sismat S.r.l.
Services related to the Eccairs reporting system and supporting tools
European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre JRC, Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen
The 'European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems (Eccairs)' is an activity in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) with the goal to assist transport entities in the EU exchanging incident and accident-related information so that transport safety can be improved. The framework contract will cover services related to the Eccairs reporting system and supporting tools, particularly to the maintenance and extension of the Eccairs software and the design and โฆ
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Fornitori citati:
Softeco Sismat S.r.l.
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Pacchetti software e sistemi di informazione
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