Gli appalti pubblici in Italia
Fornitore: Food Standards Agency
Fornitore: Food Standards Agency
2 appalti archiviati
Food Standards Agency รจ stato storicamente un fornitore di
servizi di ricerca e sviluppo nonchรฉ servizi di consulenza affini
servizi informatici: consulenza, sviluppo di software, Internet e supporto
servizi di elaborazione dati
Storicamente, gli offerenti in competizione sono stati
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Universitรคt Wien
Harokopio University of Athens
National Food Institute โ Technical University Denmark
National Institute for Health and Welfare
Universitatea 'Dunarea de Jos' din Galati
Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Food Standards Agency
Update of the EFSA comprehensive European food consumption database (2013โ2014)
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Successful tenderer(s) will be asked to provide EFSA with data from their most recent national dietary survey or from a survey carried out in a special population group in their country and not currently covered in the comprehensive database (see Tables 1 and 2) or in the above described series of collaboration agreements signed in 2011 and 2012. The overall objectives of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure are as follows: โ provide EFSA with raw food consumption and related โฆ
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati:
Department of Nutritional Sciences,...
Food Standards Agency
Harokopio University of Athens
National Food Institute โ Technical...
Universitatea 'Dunarea de Jos' din Galati
Update of the EFSA comprehensive European food consumption database (2012โ2013)
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
Successful tenderers will be asked to provide EFSA with data from their newest national dietary survey or from a survey carried out in a special population group in their country and not currently covered in the comprehensive database or in the above described series of collaboration agreements signed in 2011. The overall objectives of the contract resulting from the present procurement procedure are as follows: โ provide EFSA with raw food consumption and related data in a format compatible with the โฆ
Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati:
Food Standards Agency
National Institute for Health and Welfare
Ricerche correlate
Department of Nutritional Sciences,...
Harokopio University of Athens
National Food Institute โ Technical...
National Institute for Health and Welfare
Universitatea 'Dunarea de Jos' din Galati
Servizi di ricerca e sviluppo nonchรฉ...
Servizi informatici: consulenza, sviluppo...
Servizi di elaborazione dati
Servizi di trattamento dati
Servizi di raccolta e di collazione dati