a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorized - pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 - with determination to contract n. 512 U.A.R. on 05.31.2023.
b) The tender specifications, which contain all the conditions for participation, together with the related annexes, the technical specifications, the draft of the framework agreement and the document called "Tender evaluation parameters" are available, together with this announcement, on the website
www.carabinieri.it, in the "transparent administration" section, sub-section "tenders and contracts", at the following URL:
https://www.carabinieri.it/in-vostro-aiuto/amministrazione-trasparente/gare-appalto/gare-appalto/fornitura-di-555-sistemi-per-l'acquisizione-impronte-papillari-digitali-palmari-e-ruotate-in-sede-di-fotosegnalamento-con-livescanner---2023 and on the website
www.acquistinretepa.it (initiative name: Supply of 555 systems for the acquisition of digital, palm and rotated papillary impressions – initiative number/code: 3619469 accessible from the "sell" menu, "other tenders" subfolder).
c) The complete execution of the contract cannot be subcontracted. Subcontracting is permitted, pursuant to art. 105 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016, taking into account that the quality of the devices is ensured by the prescribed FBI IAFIS IQS Appendix F, CE, FCC and RoHS certifications. The services that the economic operator will want to subcontract must be the subject of an explicit declaration to be presented at the time of the offer.
d) The DUVRI has not been drawn up. due to the absence of interference.
e) The Tender Identification Code attributed to this proceeding by the A.N.AC. is: 98738563BC.
f) The single project code (C.U.P.) attributed to this proceeding is: D59I23000190001.
g) The tender was not divided into functional lots due to the homogeneity of the material in question.
h) This call for tenders was sent for publication in the G.U.U.E. to the Publications Office of the European Union on 19 June 2023.
i) Being a call for tenders published after 27.01.2022, pursuant to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 27.01.2022 n. 4, in order to deal with the negative economic repercussions following the containment measures and the global health emergency deriving from the spread of the COVID-19 virus, a price revision clause will be inserted in the negotiation deed that will result from this procedure pursuant to art. 106, paragraph 1, let. a) of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016. This clause is indicated in detail in the drafts of the framework agreements which can be consulted on the website
www.carabinieri.it, in the "transparent administration" section, "tenders and contracts" sub-section, at the following URL:
https://www.carabinieri.it/in-vostro-aiuto/amministrazione-trasparente/gare-appalto/gare-appalto/fornitura-di-555-sistemi-per-l'acquisizione-impronte-papillari-digitali-palmari-e-ruotate-in-sede-di-fotosegnalamento-con-livescanner---2023 and on the website
www.acquistinretepa.it (initiative name: Supply of 555 systems for the acquisition of digital, palm and rotated papillary impressions – initiative number/code: 3619469 accessible from the "sell" menu, "other tenders" subfolder).
j) The framework agreement that will be entered into with the economic operator awarded the tender does not provide for recourse to arbitration pursuant to art. 209 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016.
k) Pursuant to EC Regulation no. 593 of 17 June 2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the Italian legislation will be applied to the contractual obligations deriving from this tender.
l) The person responsible for the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
m) The Director of the execution of the contract is the pro-tempore Head of the Armaments, Special Equipment and Materials Office for Telematics of the General Command of the Carabinieri.