refurbishment of common vehicles with special processing, with a mass not exceeding 35 q. and their total rendered inefficient due to failure or accident which, at the time in which they need to be repaired, are located in any capacity within the territory of competence of the reference lot
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2023-05-08.
L'appalto è stato pubblicato su 2023-04-13.
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair service of the mechanical part and bodywork of the vehicles in charge of the Carabinieri Legion "Toscana"”
Prodotti/servizi: Servizi di riparazione e manutenzione di veicoli a motore e attrezzature affini📦
Breve descrizione:
“refurbishment of common vehicles with special processing, with a mass not exceeding 35 q. and their total rendered inefficient due to failure or accident...”
Breve descrizione
refurbishment of common vehicles with special processing, with a mass not exceeding 35 q. and their total rendered inefficient due to failure or accident which, at the time in which they need to be repaired, are located in any capacity within the territory of competence of the reference lot
Mostra di più
Valore stimato al netto dell'IVA: EUR 800 000 💰
Informazioni sui lotti
Le offerte possono essere presentate per un numero massimo di lotti: 4
Numero massimo di lotti che possono essere aggiudicati a un offerente: 1
1️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the Departments located in the north/west province of Firenze – C.I.G. 9740909466” Titolo
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 1
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Servizi di riparazione e manutenzione di veicoli a motore e attrezzature affini📦
Luogo di esecuzione: Firenze🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione: North West Province of Firenze
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“refurbishment of common vehicles with special processing, with a mass not exceeding 35 q. and their total rendered inefficient due to failure or accident...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
refurbishment of common vehicles with special processing, with a mass not exceeding 35 q. and their total rendered inefficient due to failure or accident which, at the time in which they need to be repaired, are located in any capacity within the territory of competence of the reference lot
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 200 000 💰
Durata del contratto, dell'accordo quadro o del sistema dinamico di acquisizione
L'arco di tempo indicato di seguito è espresso in numero di mesi.
Durata: 48
Informazioni aggiuntive: See the full call for tenders.
2️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the Departments located in the province of Grosseto – C.I.G. 974092626E” Titolo
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 2
Luogo di esecuzione: Grosseto🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione: Province of Grosseto.
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 200 000 💰
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Can participate in this lot only economic operators having a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Can participate in this lot only economic operators having a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the province of Grosseto.
3️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the Departments located in the province of Arezzo – C.I.G. 9740939D25” Titolo
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 3
Luogo di esecuzione: Arezzo🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione: Province of Arezzo.
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 200 000 💰
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Can participate in this lot only economic operators having a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Can participate in this lot only economic operators having a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the province of Arezzo.
4️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the Departments located in the province of Massa Carrara – C.I.G. 974096529D” Titolo
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 4
Luogo di esecuzione: Massa-Carrara🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione: Province of Massa Carrara.
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 200 000 💰
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Can participate in this lot only economic operators having a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Can participate in this lot only economic operators having a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the province of Massa Carrara.
Informazioni legali, economiche, finanziarie e tecniche Condizioni di partecipazione
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni:
“see the complete call for tenders published on the website, in the "transparent administration" sub-section "tenders and contracts", at...”
Mostra di più Capacità tecnica e professionale
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione:
“each competitor, together with the application form and the documents prescribed in this announcement, must - under penalty of exclusion - submit:
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione
each competitor, together with the application form and the documents prescribed in this announcement, must - under penalty of exclusion - submit:
a. self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, certifying the possession of a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) - where the contract work must be carried out exclusively - located in the territorial area of the lot for which participation is requested (as better specified in the annexes from B1 to B4), with the indication of all the data necessary for its exact identification. This workshop must, in any case, be part of the corporate structure of the economic operator participating in the tender - also as an associated or controlled company - or joined to it according to one of the forms provided for by art. 48 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016. Furthermore, in the same declaration, it will be necessary to certify that said workshop complies with all the requirements indicated in the technical specifications which form the basis of the contract;
b. self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, certifying that they meet the "Requisites common to all economic operators", listed in detail in art. 1 "General" of the technical specifications;
c. Fire Prevention Certificate relating to the workshop where the work is to be carried out, or self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, which certifies possession;
d. valid certification, certifying compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, issued by an ACCREDIA accredited body or other body in mutual recognition, or self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3 which certifies its possession. In case of expired ISO 9001:2015 certification, the same must be presented, together with the renewal application with a date prior to the expiry of this notice: admission will be subject to presentation, within the deadline for submitting the offer, the valid ISO 9001:2015 certification or proof of the positive outcome of the Audit;
e. self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and by effect of the Presidential Decree no. 445/2000 and with the methods set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, certifying that the workshop available is in possession of the "Requirements distinct by type of repair - 1 Vehicle mechanics" and "Requirements distinct by type of repair - 2 Vehicle bodywork" listed in detail in art. 1. GENERALITY of the technical specifications.
The Administration reserves the right to organize technical inspections at the premises, even secondary ones, of the competitors, to verify their technical capacity.
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura ristretta
Procedura accelerata:
“need to ensure, without interruption, the operational efficiency of the Departments, in addition to the provisions of art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of...”
Procedura accelerata
need to ensure, without interruption, the operational efficiency of the Departments, in addition to the provisions of art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of Legislative Decree no. 76/2000 (converted with amendments with the conversion law n. 120/2020).
Mostra di più Informazioni su un accordo quadro o su un sistema dinamico di acquisto
Accordo quadro con un unico operatore
Informazioni amministrative
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione: 2023-05-08
23:59 📅
Lingue in cui possono essere presentate le offerte o le domande di partecipazione: italiano 🗣️
Informazioni complementari Informazioni sui flussi di lavoro elettronici
Sarà accettata la fatturazione elettronica
Informazioni aggiuntive
“a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorized - pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 - with...”
a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorized - pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 - with determination to contract n. 294 U.A.R. on 06.04.2023.
b) The complete execution of the contract cannot be subcontracted. Subcontracting is permitted according to the methods and terms provided for by art. 105, paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016.
c) The DUVRI has not been drawn up. due to the absence of interference.
d) The tender code assigned to this proceeding by the A.N.AC. is: 9021925.
e) This call for tenders was sent for publication in the G.U.U.E. to the Publications Office of the European Union on 13 April 2023.
f) Being a call for tenders published after 27.01.2022, pursuant to art. 29 of Legislative Decree 27.01.2022 n. 4, in order to deal with the negative economic repercussions following the containment measures and the global health emergency deriving from the spread of the COVID-19 virus, a price revision clause will be inserted in the negotiating documents that will result from this procedure of the art. 106, paragraph 1, let. a) of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016. This clause will be indicated in detail in the draft contract which will be accessible on the ASP telematic platform only to economic operators who pass the so-called "pre-qualification" phase and will be invited to submit an offer for this contract.
g) Pursuant to EC Regulation no. 593 of 17 June 2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, the contractual obligations deriving from this tender will be subject to the
Italian legislation.
h) The sole responsible for the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
i) The director of the execution of the framework agreement is the pro-tempore Head of the Motorization Section of the Logistics Office of the Carabinieri Legion "Tuscany".
All the remaining information can be consulted in the complete call for tenders published on the website, in the "transparent administration" sub-section "calls for tenders and contracts", at the URL and on the website (initiative name: Phase 1 - Mechanical and bodywork repair service for vehicles in charge of the Tuscan Carabinieri Legion - initiative number/code: 3524758 accessible from the "sell" menu, "other tenders" subfolder).
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - Ufficio Approvvigionamenti
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 0680982269/2082📞
URL:🌏 Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from notification or effective knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Roma office.” Servizio presso il quale è possibile ottenere informazioni sulla procedura di riesame
Nome: Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio
Indirizzo postale: Via Flaminia 189
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 06328721📞
Fax: +39 0632872310 📠
Fonte: OJS 2023/S 076-230309 (2023-04-13)
Avviso di aggiudicazione (2023-09-29) Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair service of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles managed by the "Toscana" Carabinieri Legion”
Breve descrizione:
“restoring the efficiency of common vehicles with special modifications, with a mass not exceeding 35 quintals. and their total rendered inefficient due to...”
Breve descrizione
restoring the efficiency of common vehicles with special modifications, with a mass not exceeding 35 quintals. and their total rendered inefficient due to damage or accident which, at the time in which they require repair, are in any capacity within the territory of competence of the reference lot
Mostra di più Informazioni sui lotti
Questo contratto è suddiviso in lotti ✅ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of north/west Firenze – C.I.G. 9740909466” Descrizione
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione: Province North West of Firenze
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“restoring the efficiency of common vehicles with special modifications, with a mass not exceeding 35 quintals. and their total rendered inefficient due to...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
restoring the efficiency of common vehicles with special modifications, with a mass not exceeding 35 quintals. and their total rendered inefficient due to damage or accident which, at the time in which they require repair, are in any capacity within the territory of competence of the reference lot
Mostra di più
Informazioni aggiuntive: See the full tender notice.
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of Grosseto – C.I.G. 974092626E” Descrizione
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Can participate in this lot only economic operators with a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) within the province of Grosseto.” Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of Arezzo – C.I.G. 9740939D25” Descrizione
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Can participate in this lot only economic operators with a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) within the province of Arezzo.” Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of Massa Carrara – C.I.G. 974096529D” Descrizione
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Can participate in this lot only economic operators with a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the province...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Can participate in this lot only economic operators with a suitable operational headquarters (workshop/body shop) in the territorial area of the province of Massa Carrara .
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura accelerata:
“need to ensure, without interruption, the operational efficiency of the Departments, in addition to the provisions of the art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of...”
Procedura accelerata
need to ensure, without interruption, the operational efficiency of the Departments, in addition to the provisions of the art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of Legislative Decree no. 76/2000 (converted with amendments with Conversion Law no. 120/2020).
Mostra di più Informazioni sull'accordo quadro
L'appalto prevede la stipula di un accordo quadro
Informazioni amministrative
Pubblicazione precedente relativa a questa procedura: 2023/S 076-230309
Aggiudicazione del contratto
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 1
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of north/west Firenze– C.I.G. 9740909466” Informazioni sulla non aggiudicazione
Non sono state ricevute offerte o richieste di partecipazione o sono state tutte respinte
Numero di contratto: 2
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 2
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of Grosseto – C.I.G. 974092626E”
Numero di contratto: 3
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 3
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of Arezzo – C.I.G. 9740939D25”
Numero di contratto: 4
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 4
“Repair of mechanical parts and bodywork of vehicles within 35 q. belonging to the departments located in the province of Massa Carrara – C.I.G. 974096529D”
“The person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director of...”
The person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director of the execution of the service is the pro-tempore Head of the Motor Vehicle Section of the Logistics Office of the "Toscana" Carabinieri Legion.
Mostra di più Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from notification or actual knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Roma office.”
Fonte: OJS 2023/S 191-598783 (2023-09-29)