a) The procurement procedures referred to in this notice have been authorized - pursuant to art. 17, co. 1, of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023 – with decision to contract no. 1245 R.U.A. on 08.11.2023.
b) The tender specifications, which contain all the conditions of participation, together with the relevant attachments, the technical documentation and the draft contract are available, together with this notice, on the website
www.carabinieri.it, in the "transparent administration" section , sub-section "tenders and contracts", at the following URL:
https://www.carabinieri.it/in-vostro-aiuto/amministrazione-trasparente/gare-appalto/gare-appalto/progettazione-e-verifica-degli-interventi-di-ristrutturazione-di-villa-reale-di-castello-sede-del-centro-carabinieri-cinofili-di-firenze and on the website
www.acquistinretepa.it (initiative name: Design and verification of renovation works at Villa Reale di Castello di Firenze – initiative number/code: 3917177 accessible from the “sell” menu, “other tenders” subfolder).
c) The entire contractual execution cannot be subcontracted. Given the specificity of the service and given the need to protect the security of the military infrastructure, subcontracting is permitted, up to a maximum limit of 50%, only for activities relating to geological, geotechnical and seismic investigations, surveys, surveys, measurements and staking, preparation of specialized and detailed documents, with the exclusion of geological reports, as well as for the sole graphic drafting of project documents, pursuant to art. 119 of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023. However, the exclusive responsibility of the designer remains.
The above limit is determined by:
- specificity of the contracted service, which requires the competitor to possess adequate requirements, verified during the tender; the use of different subcontractors, however, could lead to a decline in the quality of the requested service, considering that for subcontractors the standard does not require proof of the aforementioned technical requirements;
- protection of the security of the military infrastructure, also considering that the tender documentation has been identified as "controlled unclassified information"; in fact, the presence of multiple service personnel, belonging to different operators, could expose the Administration to military security risks.
d) The D.U.V.R.I. has not been drawn up. due to the absence of interference.
e) The Tender Identification Code attributed to this procedure by the A.N.AC. is: A02DB5DB12.
f) The unique project code (C.U.P.) attributed to this proceeding is: D12F23000410001.
g) The tender was not divided into functional lots due to the homogeneity of the service being acquired.
h) This tender notice has been sent for publication in the Official Journal. to the Publications Office of the European Union on 20 December 2023.
i) A price review clause will be inserted in the negotiation deed resulting from this procedure, pursuant to art. 60, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023, including the renegotiation clause referred to in art. 9 of Legislative Decree no. 36/2023. These clauses are indicated in detail in the draft contract, which can be consulted on the website
www.carabinieri.it, in the "transparent administration" section, sub-section "tenders and contracts", at the following URL:
https://www.carabinieri.it/in-vostro-aiuto/amministrazione-trasparente/gare-appalto/gare-appalto/progettazione-e-verifica-degli-interventi-di-ristrutturazione-di-villa-reale-di-castello-sede-del-centro-carabinieri-cinofili-di-firenze and on the website
www.acquistinretepa.it (initiative name: Design and verification of renovation works at Villa Reale di Castello di Firenze – initiative number/code: 3917177 accessible from the “sell” menu, “other tenders” subfolder).