Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione
all economic operators wishing to compete must produce, together with the remaining documentation provided for in this announcement and in the tender regulations, under penalty of exclusion from this tender procedure, the following:
a. approval pursuant to AER Technical Publication (EP) .P-145 "Requirements for Maintenance Organizations" of the Directorate for Aeronautical Armaments and for Airworthiness, currently valid. To this end, appropriate certification must be produced, or self-certification - signed by the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and for the purposes of the D.R.P. n. 445/2000, with the procedures set out in art. 38, paragraph 3 - which certifies its possession;
b. approval of company hourly costs in compliance with Publication SGD-G-023 "Analysis of industrial costs and congruity of offers in the military procurement sector" of the General Secretariat of Defense and National Directorate of Armaments - II Department "Administrative coordination and control of expenditure" . To this end, appropriate certification must be produced, or self-certification - signed by the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and for the purposes of the D.R.P. n. 445/2000, with the procedures set out in art. 38, paragraph 3 - which certifies its possession;
c. self-certification signed by the legal representative - drawn up pursuant to and for the purposes of the Presidential Decree n. 445/2000, with the procedures set out in art. 38, paragraph 3 - certifying that it is able to ensure the execution of the activities provided for in the technical specifications, on at least 4 Weapon helicopters at the same time, in compliance with the deadlines for preparing the compliance verification.
If the competitor does not produce a copy of the documentation indicated in this paragraph, he must submit suitable self-certification, signed by the legal representative or by an attorney with the necessary powers to represent him, drawn up pursuant to and for the purposes of the D.R.P. n. 445/2000, with the procedures set out in art. 38, paragraph 3, which certifies its possession.
In case of participation in R.T.I. (constituting / constituting):
- the requisite referred to in letter a) above must be met by all the merged companies;
- the requisite referred to in letter b) above must be possessed alternatively by the single company, or by the grouping fully understood;
- the requirement referred to in letter c) above must be ensured by the grouping fully intended.
In the case of consortia, the technical-professional capacity requirements required for participation in this contract must be possessed by the consortium itself, pursuant to art. 47, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016.
These technical-professional capacity requirements are required due to the complexity of the object of the procedure, consisting of the logistical support service for military helicopters and the need to ensure a level of fleet efficiency that is constantly in line with the changing operational needs of the Armed Force.