Supply and preparation of No 6 ‘van’ vehicle platforms set up as ‘Carabinieri Mobile Stations’, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum equipment better described in the technical specifications.
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2021-07-21.
L'appalto è stato pubblicato su 2021-06-25.
I seguenti fornitori sono menzionati nelle decisioni di aggiudicazione o in altri documenti di appalto:
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Supply of No 6 Vans to be Used as Mobile Stations for the Needs of the Carabinieri”
Prodotti/servizi: Veicoli per servizi di emergenza📦
Breve descrizione:
“Supply and preparation of No 6 ‘van’ vehicle platforms set up as ‘Carabinieri Mobile Stations’, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum...”
Breve descrizione
Supply and preparation of No 6 ‘van’ vehicle platforms set up as ‘Carabinieri Mobile Stations’, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum equipment better described in the technical specifications.
Mostra di più
Valore stimato al netto dell'IVA: EUR 354098.36 💰
Luogo di esecuzione: Italia🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“At the Departments that will be indicated by the Mobility Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Supply and preparation of No 6 ‘van’ vehicle platforms set up as ‘Carabinieri Mobile Stations’, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Supply and preparation of No 6 ‘van’ vehicle platforms set up as ‘Carabinieri Mobile Stations’, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum equipment better described in the technical specifications.
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 354098.36 💰
Durata del contratto, dell'accordo quadro o del sistema dinamico di acquisizione Descrizione
Durata: 140
Informazioni legali, economiche, finanziarie e tecniche Condizioni di partecipazione
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni:
“See the full call for tenders published on the website, in the ‘transparent administration’ sub-section ‘calls for tenders and...”
Mostra di più Capacità tecnica e professionale
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione:
“Manufacturers and companies specialised in the construction and transformation of vehicles (defined as fitters) can participate in this procedure, to be...”
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione
Manufacturers and companies specialised in the construction and transformation of vehicles (defined as fitters) can participate in this procedure, to be shown in the registration certificate of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of the competing company.
Each competitor must submit — under penalty of exclusion — the following documentation:
— self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and for the purposes of the D.P.R. No 445/2000, with the procedures set out in art. 38 paragraph 3, certifying that it is a vehicle manufacturer, or a company specialised in the construction and transformation of vehicles (body builder) and that this activity appears in its certificate of the competent Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture;
— certification, currently valid, certifying compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, issued by an accredited ACCREDIA body or other body in mutual recognition, or self-certification by the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and for the purposes of Presidential Decree No 445/2000 and with the procedures set out in art. 38, paragraph 3 which certifies its possession. In case of expired ISO 9001: 2015 certification, the same must be presented, together with the renewal application having a date prior to the expiry of this announcement: admission will be subject to presentation, within the deadline for submitting the offer, of the valid ISO 9001: 2015 certification or approval of the positive outcome of the Audit.
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura ristretta
Procedura accelerata:
“Urgent logistical-operational need to supply the vehicles in question, in addition to the provisions of art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of Legislative Decree...”
Procedura accelerata
Urgent logistical-operational need to supply the vehicles in question, in addition to the provisions of art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of Legislative Decree No 76/2000 (converted with amendments with the conversion law No 120/2020).
Mostra di più Informazioni amministrative
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione: 2021-07-21
23:59 📅
Lingue in cui possono essere presentate le offerte o le domande di partecipazione: italiano 🗣️
Informazioni complementari Informazioni sui flussi di lavoro elettronici
Sarà accettata la fatturazione elettronica
Informazioni aggiuntive
“(a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorised — pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree No 50/2016 — with...”
(a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorised — pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree No 50/2016 — with determination to contract No 616 R.U.A. on 12 June 2021;
(b) Subcontracting is allowed to an extent not exceeding 30 % of the order, due to the particular set-up required which may require recourse to companies other than that
contractor, for the installation of particular fittings;
(c) This contract has not been divided into functional lots, due to the homogeneity of the material being acquired;
(d) The D.U.V.R.I. has not been drawn up due to the absence of interference risks;
(e) The C.I.G. (Identified Tender Code) attributed to this procedure by the A.N.AC is: 880292752A;
(f) The C.U.P. (Unique Project Code) attributed to this proceeding is: D59J21004890001;
(g) This call for tenders has been sent for publication in the Official Gazette. to the Publications Office of the European Union on 25 June 2021;
(h) Pursuant to EC Regulation No 593 of 17 June 2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Italian law will be applied to the contractual obligations deriving from this tender;
(i) The sole person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri;
(j) Director of the execution of the contract is the pro-tempore Director of the Mobility Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
All remaining information can be found in the full call for tenders published on the website, in the ‘transparent administration’ sub-section ‘calls for tenders and contracts’, at the URL:'arma.
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri — Ufficio Approvvigionamenti
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 0680982269/2082📞
URL:🌏 Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from notification or actual knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, based in Rome.” Servizio presso il quale è possibile ottenere informazioni sulla procedura di riesame
Nome: Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio
Indirizzo postale: Via Flaminia 189
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 06328721📞
Fax: +39 0632872310 📠
Fonte: OJS 2021/S 124-327665 (2021-06-25)
Avviso di aggiudicazione (2021-10-15) Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Nome e indirizzi
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - Centro Unico Contrattuale
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“supply of n. 6 vans to be used as mobile stations for the needs of the Carabinieri”
Breve descrizione:
“supply and preparation of n. 6 “van” vehicle platforms set up as “Carabinieri Mobile Stations”, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum...”
Breve descrizione
supply and preparation of n. 6 “van” vehicle platforms set up as “Carabinieri Mobile Stations”, in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum equipment better described in the technical specifications.
Mostra di più
Valore totale dell'appalto (IVA esclusa): EUR 354098.36 💰
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“at the Departments that will be indicated by the Mobility Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“supply and preparation of n. 6 "van" vehicle platforms set up as "Carabinieri Mobile Stations", in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
supply and preparation of n. 6 "van" vehicle platforms set up as "Carabinieri Mobile Stations", in Arma blue color (Lord 438 or equivalent) with the minimum equipment better described in the technical specifications,
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura accelerata:
“urgent logistical-operational need to supply the vehicles in question, in addition to the provisions of art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of Legislative Decree...”
Procedura accelerata
urgent logistical-operational need to supply the vehicles in question, in addition to the provisions of art. 8, paragraph 1, let. c) of Legislative Decree no. 76/2000 (converted with amendments with the conversion law no. 120/2020).
Mostra di più Informazioni amministrative
Pubblicazione precedente relativa a questa procedura: 2021/S 124-327665
Aggiudicazione del contratto
“supply of n. 6 vans to be used as mobile stations for the needs of the Carabinieri”
Data di stipula del contratto: 2021-10-12 📅
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 2
Numero di offerte ricevute da PMI: 2
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: ODONE & SLOA S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: S.S. Formia-Cassino Km. 29,300
Città postale: Minturno
Codice postale: 04026
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 0771682715📞
Regione: Latina🏙️
Il contraente è una PMI ✅ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 354098.36 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 349 800 💰
“The sole person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director...”
The sole person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director of the execution of the contract is the pro-tempore Director of the Mobility Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri - Ufficio Approvvigionamenti
Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from notification or actual knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Rome office.”
Fonte: OJS 2021/S 204-532780 (2021-10-15)