Pre–commercial Procurement (PCP) to Buy R&D (Research and Development) Services to Developing Digital Solutions Supporting Continuum of Care for Frailty Prevention in Old Adults — eCare
This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to a procurement.
The procurement aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure, throughout the implementation of a pre-commercial procurement scheme. Solutions should improve outcomes for frailty in old adults entailing the physical and the psycho-social factors. The target group are the pre-frail/frail old adults with emphasis on those that feel lonely and/or isolated. The procurers will procure the development, testing and implementation of digital tools/services and communication concepts to facilitate the transition to integrated care models across health and social services and country-specific cross-institutional set-ups.
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2021-09-15.
L'appalto è stato pubblicato su 2021-06-25.
I seguenti fornitori sono menzionati nelle decisioni di aggiudicazione o in altri documenti di appalto:
Avviso di gara (2021-06-25) Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Nome e indirizzi
Nome: Azienda Sanitaria Locale Benevento
Numero di registrazione nazionale: IT01009680628
Indirizzo postale: Via Oderisio 1
Città postale: Benevento
Codice postale: 82100
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Persona di contatto: Roberto De Toma
Telefono: +39 824308468📞
Regione: Benevento🏙️
Indirizzo del profilo dell'acquirente:🌏
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice (supplementare)
Nome: Consorci Sanitari Integral (CSI)
Numero di registrazione nazionale: ESQ5856254G
Indirizzo postale: AV. Josep Molins 29-41
Città postale: L'hospitalet de Llobregat
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice (supplementare)
Indirizzo del profilo dell'acquirente:🌏
Nome: Ayuntamiento de Santander (Ayto Santander)
Numero di registrazione nazionale: ESP3907500G
Indirizzo postale: Plaza Del Ayuntamiento 1
Città postale: Santander
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice (supplementare)
Nome: Universitätsklinikum Aachen AöR
Numero di registrazione nazionale: DE813100566
Indirizzo postale: auwelsstraße 30
Città postale: Aachen
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice
Codice postale: 52057
Paese: Germania 🇩🇪
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice (supplementare)
Persona di contatto: Anke Junker
Telefono: +49 2418080975📞
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice
Regione: Städteregion Aachen 🏙️
URL:🌏 Informazioni sugli appalti congiunti
Il contratto prevede un appalto congiunto
Nel caso di appalti congiunti che coinvolgono paesi diversi, indicare la legislazione nazionale applicabile in materia di appalti: Italian law.
URL dei documenti:🌏
URL di partecipazione:🌏
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Pre–commercial Procurement (PCP) to Buy R&D (Research and Development) Services to Developing Digital Solutions Supporting Continuum of Care for Frailty...”
Pre–commercial Procurement (PCP) to Buy R&D (Research and Development) Services to Developing Digital Solutions Supporting Continuum of Care for Frailty Prevention in Old Adults — eCare
Mostra di più
Prodotti/servizi: Servizi di sviluppo sperimentale📦
Prodotti/servizi: RC03
Breve descrizione:
“This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to a procurement.
The procurement aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the...”
Breve descrizione
This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to a procurement.
The procurement aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure, throughout the implementation of a pre-commercial procurement scheme. Solutions should improve outcomes for frailty in old adults entailing the physical and the psycho-social factors. The target group are the pre-frail/frail old adults with emphasis on those that feel lonely and/or isolated. The procurers will procure the development, testing and implementation of digital tools/services and communication concepts to facilitate the transition to integrated care models across health and social services and country-specific cross-institutional set-ups.
Mostra di più
Valore stimato al netto dell'IVA: EUR 3213114.51 💰
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Sistema telematico📦
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: RC03
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Sistema di controllo dei pazienti a distanza📦
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Sistema di informazione clinica📦
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Servizi di programmazione di software medicale📦
Luogo di esecuzione: Städteregion Aachen 🏙️
Luogo di esecuzione: Cantabria 🏙️
Luogo di esecuzione: Barcelona 🏙️
Luogo di esecuzione: Benevento🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“Main site or place of performance: at least 50 % of the contracted R&D services on the EU member states or H2020 associated countries.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to a number of R&D providers in...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to a number of R&D providers in parallel in a phased approach. Each selected operator will be awarded a framework agreement that covers 3 R&D phases (described below). After each phase, intermediate evaluations will be carried out to progressively select the best of the competing solutions. The contractors with the best-value-for-money solutions will be offered a specific contract for the next phase.
• Phase A: Solution design:
This phase is a feasibility study of the selected technologies and proposals, which aims to verify the technical, economic and organisational feasibility of each company’s offer. The expected output from participating companies is a report describing the results of the feasibility study.
The total budget for theR&D contracts in this phase is EUR 321 311 475 (excluding VAT) and the maximum budget per R&D contract is EUR 40 169 934 (excluded VAT). Should there is any leftover from this phase it will be transferred to the next one. From this sum at least 8 contracts will be awarded. This phase will last for 5.5 months.
• Phase B: Prototype development:
The purpose of this phase is to develop the most promising ideas, shown in Phase A, into well-defined prototypes. The selection process for Phase B is based on the Phase A report and an application process, which will outline the company’s plans for Phase B.
Selected companies will each develop a prototype based on the results of their feasibility study. The aim is to verify to what extent the prototype’s main features meet the functional and performance requirements set in the challenge. Participating companies are expected to deliver a prototype specification and lab demonstration, as well as a plan for original development of a limited volume of first solutions and field-testing, and an updated cost/benefits evaluation including a preliminary business plan.
It is expected that the combined budget for this phase will be EUR 1 606 577 377 (excluding VAT) and the maximum budget per R&D contract will be EUR 401 639 344 (excluding VAT). Should there is any leftover from this phase it will be transferred to the next one. At least 4 projects will be selected for Phase B. This phase will last 10 months.
• Phase C. Pre-commercial development; field test:
This phase aims to verify and compare the full feature set and performance of different solutions in real-life operational conditions of the targeted public service. Expected output from participating companies includes field testing, field test specification, specification of the final solution, other related technical documentation and an updated cost/benefit evaluation.
It is expected that the combined budget for this phase will be EUR 1 285 245 804 (excluding VAT) and the maximum budget per R&D contract will be EUR 642 622 950 (excluding VAT). 2 projects will be selected for this phase. This phase will last 12 months.
All the solutions in Phase C will be tested in all the sites to ensure that a comparison can be made of performance both across sites and across solutions. Each procurer will identify a sample population to implement the proof of concept of the final awarded contracts.Testing is expected to take place in:
— province of Benevento;
— area of Barcelona and BaixL lobregat;
— city of Santander;
— Area of Aachen.
The phases of the procurement is expected to start on 17 November 2021 and end on 30 June 2024.The PCP challenge, requirements, conditions and awarded criteria will be established in the tender documents. They will be available from 1 July at
The selected operators will retain ownership of the intellectual property rights (IPRs) that they generate during the PCP and will be able to use them to exploit the full market potential of the developed solutions. The framework agreement will detail the terms of the (IPRs).
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Il prezzo non è l'unico criterio di aggiudicazione e tutti i criteri sono indicati solo nei documenti di gara
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 3213114.51 💰
Data di inizio: 2021-11-18 📅
Data di fine: 2024-06-30 📅
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Informazioni sui fondi dell'Unione Europea:
“This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement No 856960 — eCARE. See...”
Informazioni sui fondi dell'Unione Europea
This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement No 856960 — eCARE. See The EU has given a grant for this procurement, but is not participating as a contracting authority in the procurement.
Mostra di più Descrizione
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“This procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, the EU public procurement directives. Publication of this contract notice in the...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
This procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement, the EU public procurement directives. Publication of this contract notice in the EU Official Journal is made on a voluntary basis and the procurement will not follow the procedures under the EU public procurement directives, but rather the procedure described in the tender documentation.
Informazioni legali, economiche, finanziarie e tecniche Condizioni di partecipazione
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni:
“In accordance with the Article 58 paragraph 2 Directive 2014/24/EU, as regards to the suitability to pursue the professional activity, the economic...”
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni
In accordance with the Article 58 paragraph 2 Directive 2014/24/EU, as regards to the suitability to pursue the professional activity, the economic operators must be enrolled in one of the professional or trade registers kept in their Member State of establishment, as described in Annex XI of the Directive 2014/24/EU, or to comply with any other request set out in that Annex.
More information is stated in the procurement documents.
Mostra di più Posizione economica e finanziaria
Criteri di selezione come indicato nei documenti di gara
Capacità tecnica e professionale
Criteri di selezione come indicato nei documenti di gara
Informazioni sul personale responsabile dell'esecuzione del contratto
Obbligo di indicare i nomi e le qualifiche professionali del personale addetto all'esecuzione del contratto
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura aperta
Informazioni su un accordo quadro o su un sistema dinamico di acquisto
Accordo quadro con diversi operatori
Numero massimo previsto di partecipanti all'accordo quadro: 8
Informazioni amministrative
Pubblicazione precedente relativa a questa procedura: 2020/S 150-367803
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione: 2021-09-15
12:00 📅
Lingue in cui possono essere presentate le offerte o le domande di partecipazione: inglese 🗣️
L'arco di tempo indicato di seguito è espresso in numero di mesi.
Periodo di tempo minimo durante il quale l'offerente deve mantenere l'offerta: 6
Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte: 2021-09-16
12:00 📅
Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte (luogo):
“Expected date to convene opening committee to proceed with the administrative opening of offers is 16 September 2021 at 11 a.m. (CET). The location will be...”
Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte (luogo)
Expected date to convene opening committee to proceed with the administrative opening of offers is 16 September 2021 at 11 a.m. (CET). The location will be the ASL Benevento registered office, 82100 Benevento, Italy at 12 a.m. local time.
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Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte (Informazioni sulle persone autorizzate e procedura di apertura):
“The opening committee will open the tenders which have been submitted. Bidders are welcome to attend the opening of the tenders. A video webinar session may...”
Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte (Informazioni sulle persone autorizzate e procedura di apertura)
The opening committee will open the tenders which have been submitted. Bidders are welcome to attend the opening of the tenders. A video webinar session may be provided and interested tenders may be provided with login data.
“Participation in the open market consultation that was held as part of the preparation for this procurement is not a prerequisite for submitting a...”
Participation in the open market consultation that was held as part of the preparation for this procurement is not a prerequisite for submitting a tender.
This procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement them. This is because it concerns the procurement of R&D services where the benefits do not accrue exclusively to the contracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs.
Publication of this contract notice in the EU Official Journal is not to be understood as a waiver of this exemption. Publication is made on a voluntary basis and the procurement will not follow the procedures under the EU public procurement directives, but rather the procedure described in the tender documentation.
The open procedure was chosen in Section IV.1.1) ‘Procedure’ for formal reasons only. This is because it is not possible to publish a contract notice without selecting one of the listed procedures.
Offers may be submitted in English. All communication (before, during and after the procurement) can be made in English.
More information:
The project website
The open market consultation Q&A
PCPs on the Europa website (see
Or contact:
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Benevento Administrative Court (Tribunale amministrativo di Benevento)
Indirizzo postale: Via Raffaele de Caro, 7
Città postale: Benevento
Codice postale: 82100
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 8241955111📞
Fax: +39 8241955111 📠
URL:🌏 Organismo responsabile delle procedure di mediazione
Nome: Mediation Body Order of Lawyers of Benevento
Indirizzo postale: Via Raffaele de Caro, 7
Città postale: Benevento
Codice postale: 82100
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 8241921806📞
URL:🌏 Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“The procurement is exempted from the EU public procurement directives (including the EU procurement remedies directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC — see...”
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione
The procurement is exempted from the EU public procurement directives (including the EU procurement remedies directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC — see above) and the national laws that implement them.
Publication of this notice in the Official Journal is not to be understood as a waiver of this exemption by the contracting authority.
The deadlines for the review procedures at the bodies for review and mediation, mentioned in IV.4.1) and IV.4.2) are: 30 days from the publication of the contract award notice.
The lead procurer will incorporate a voluntary standstill period of five (5) calendar days from the date following electronic notification to unsuccessful tenderers of an award decision.
Any legal claim, petition or application for judicial review, with regard to the eCare PCP procedure, whether before civil law courts or administrative courts, shall be made before the Italian jurisdiction. By submitting a Bid, the Bidder accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of Italian courts.
Decisions taken with regard to the selection of bidders, awarding them with Phases 1, 2 or 3 or excluding them from the eCare PCP procedure should be challenged by means of an administrative remedy before the Benevento administrative Court (Tribunal Administrative de Benevento, ViaRaffaele de Caro, 7, 82100 Benevento BN, Italy).
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the execution of the Phases contracts entered into between the buyers Group and the Contractor, shall be heard by Benevento administrative Court.
Any dispute between the parties arising out of or in connection with the phases contracts shall in the first instance be referred to the contractor’s representative and the lead procurer’s representative for resolution. The parties agree to work together in good faith to reach an agreed settlement of any such dispute. If within fourteen (14) days of being referred to both the above representatives, the dispute has not been resolved, the Parties agree to submit the dispute to senior executive of the contractor and the appropriate representative of the lead procurer as the lead procure sees fit and who shall have responsibility to settle such dispute on behalf of the lead procurer. The parties shall meet within seven (7) days of the referral to them of any dispute and shall work together in good faith to resolve the dispute. If within fourteen (14) days, the dispute has not been resolved, the dispute may be referred, subject to mutual agreement, to mediation by a mediator to be agreed between the parties. The fee for the appointed mediator shall be shared equally between the parties. A note in this section shall preclude either party from commencing an action for a legal remedy where time is of the essence and the remedy sought is only available in a court of law. In all other circumstances the Parties shall attempt to resolve a dispute in accordance with clauses the procedure set in this section.
The Benevento administrative Court will have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with the framework agreement.
Mostra di più Servizio presso il quale è possibile ottenere informazioni sulla procedura di riesame
Nome: ASL Benevento — UOC Provveditorato (Procurement Department)
Indirizzo postale: via Oderisio 1
Città postale: Benevento
Codice postale: 82100
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 824308468📞
Fonte: OJS 2021/S 124-328680 (2021-06-25)
Avviso di aggiudicazione (2022-01-17) Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Nome e indirizzi
Nome: Azienda sanitaria locale benevento
Indirizzo postale: Via Oderisio
Persona di contatto: dott. ing. Roberto De Toma
Telefono: +39 824308498📞
Fax: +39 824310963 📠
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice (supplementare)
Nome: Consorci sanitari integral (csi)
Indirizzo postale: AV. JOSEP MOLINS 29-41
Città postale: L'hospitalet de llobregat
Telefono: +034 607644757📞
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice (supplementare)
Nome: Ayuntamiento de santander (ayto santander)
Indirizzo postale: PLAZA DEL AYUNTAMIENTO 1
Città postale: Santander
Persona di contatto: Ayuntamiento de santander (ayto santander)
Indirizzo postale: Pauwelsstraße 30
Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Informazioni sugli appalti congiunti
Nel caso di appalti congiunti che coinvolgono paesi diversi, indicare la legislazione nazionale applicabile in materia di appalti: Italy
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Pre–commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to developing digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty...”
Pre–commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to developing digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults - eCare
Mostra di più
Breve descrizione:
“This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to a procurement.
The procurement aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the...”
Breve descrizione
This contract notice invites interested operators to submit tenders to a procurement.
The procurement aims to deliver disruptive digital solutions for the prevention and comprehensive management of frailty to encourage independent living, wellbeing and to relieve health and care services budget pressure, throughout the implementation of a Pre-Commercial Procurement scheme. Solutions should improve outcomes for frailty in old adults entailing the physical and the psychosocial factors. The target group are the pre-frail/frail old adults with emphasis on those that feel lonely and/or isolated. The procurers will procure the development, testing and implementation of digital tools/services and communication concepts to facilitate the transition to integrated care models across health and social services and country-specific cross-institutional set-ups.
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Codice valuta: EUR 💰
Valore totale dell'appalto (IVA esclusa) (offerta più bassa): 31303.28
Valore totale dell'appalto (IVA esclusa) (offerta più alta): 39520.81
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“At least 50% of the contracted R&D services on the EU member states or H2020 associated countries.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to a number of R&D providers in...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
The procurement will take the form of a pre-commercial procurement (PCP) under which R&D service contracts will be awarded to a number of R&D providers in parallel in a phased approach. Each selected operator will be awarded a framework agreement that covers 3 R&D phases (described below). After each phase, intermediate evaluations will be carried out to progressively select the best of the competing solutions. The contractors with the best-value-for-money solutions will be offered a specific contract for the next phase.
•PHASE A. Solution design:
This phase is a feasibility study of the selected technologies and proposals, which aims to verify the technical, economic and organizational feasibility of each company’s offer. The expected output from participating companies is a report describing the results of the feasibility study. .
The total budget for the R&D contracts in this phase is 321,311.475 € (excluding VAT) and the maximum budget per R&D contract is 40,169.934 € (excluded VAT). Should there is any leftover from this phase it will be transferred to the next one. From this sum at least 8 contracts will be awarded. This phase will last for 5.5 months.
• PHASE B. Prototype development:
The purpose of this phase is to develop the most promising ideas, shown in Phase A, into well-defined prototypes. The selection process for Phase B is based on the Phase A report and an application process, which will outline the company’s plans for Phase B.
Selected companies will each develop a prototype based on the results of their feasibility study. The aim is to verify to what extent the prototype’s main features meet the functional and performance requirements set in the challenge. Participating companies are expected to deliver a prototype specification and lab demonstration, as well as a plan for original development of a limited volume of first solutions and field-testing, and an updated cost/benefits evaluation including a preliminary business plan.
It is expected that the combined budget for this phase will be 1,606,577.377 € (excluding VAT) and the maximum budget per R&D contract will be 401,639.344 €. Should there is any leftover from this phase it will be transferred to the next one. At least 4 projects will be selected for Phase B. This phase will last 10 months.
• PHASE C. Pre-commercial development; field test:
This phase aims to verify and compare the full feature set and performance of different solutions in real-life operational conditions of the targeted public service. Expected output from participating companies includes field testing, field test specification, specification of the final solution, other related technical documentation and an updated cost/benefit evaluation.
. It is expected that the combined budget for this phase will be 1,285,245.804 € (excluding VAT) and the maximum budget per R&D contract will be 642,622.950 €. 2 projects will be selected for this phase. This phase will last 12 months.
All the solutions in Phase C will be tested in all the sites to ensure that a comparison can be made of performance both across sites and across solutions. Each procurer will identify a sample population to implement the proof of concept of the final awarded contracts.Testing is expected to take place in:
-Province of Benevento,
- Area of Barcelona and Baix Llobregat,
- City of Santander
- Area of Aachen
The phases of the procurement is started in 20/12/2021 and end in 30/06/2024.The PCP challenge, requirements, conditions and awarded criteria will be established in the tender documents.
The selected operators will retain ownership of the intellectual property rights (IPRs) that they generate during the PCP and will be able to use them to exploit the full market potential of the developed solutions. The procurers will enjoy royalty-free access rights to use the R&D results for their own use. The procurers will also enjoy the right to grant or to require participating R&D providers to grant non-exclusive lic
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Criterio di qualità (nome): Project Management quality criteria – feasibility and organization
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 10.50
Criterio di qualità (nome): Functional quality criteria - Ability to satisfy the need
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 21
Criterio di qualità (nome): Technical soundness and non-functional quality criteria
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 14
Criterio di qualità (nome): Organizational and legal criteria
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 7
Criterio di qualità (nome): Innovation and Impact of the proposed solution
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 17.50
Prezzo (ponderazione): 30
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Informazioni sui fondi dell'Unione Europea:
“This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement No 856960 — eCARE....”
Informazioni sui fondi dell'Unione Europea
This procurement receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreement No 856960 — eCARE. See EU has given a grant for this procurement, but is not participating as a contracting authority in the procurement.
Mostra di più Descrizione
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“This procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
This procurement is exempted from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the EU public procurement directives and the national laws that implement them. This is because it concerns the procurement of R&D services where the benefits do not accrue exclusively to the contracting authority for its use in the conduct of its own affairs.
Procedura Informazioni sull'accordo quadro
L'appalto prevede la stipula di un accordo quadro
Informazioni amministrative
Pubblicazione precedente relativa a questa procedura: 2021/S 124-328680
Aggiudicazione del contratto
Numero di contratto: 8
“Pre–commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to developing digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty...”
Pre–commercial procurement (PCP) to buy R&D (research and development) services to developing digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults - eCare
Mostra di più
Data di stipula del contratto: 2021-12-20 📅
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 19
L'appalto è stato aggiudicato a un gruppo di operatori economici ✅ Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: Bilişim Sağlık Eğitim Dış Ticaret ve San. Ltd.
Indirizzo postale:
“Kısıklı Mahallesi, Alemdağ Caddesi, Masaldan İş Merkezi E Blok D:2 Üsküdar / İstanbul”
Città postale: Instanbul
Codice postale: 34692
Paese: Turchia 🇹🇷
Telefono: +90 5305444854📞
Regione: İstanbul 🏙️
Il contraente è una PMI ✅
Nome: Televes
Numero di registrazione nazionale: A15010176
Indirizzo postale: Rúa B. de Conxo, 17. Santiago de Compostela
Città postale: La Coruña
Codice postale: 15706
Paese: Spagna 🇪🇸
Telefono: +34 626479258📞
Regione: A Coruña 🏙️
Il contraente è una PMI
Nome: Certh/iti
Indirizzo postale: 6th kl Thessaloniki-Thermi road
Città postale: Thessaloniki
Codice postale: 57001
Paese: Grecia 🇬🇷
Telefono: +30 2311257763📞
Regione: Θεσσαλονίκη 🏙️
Nome: EVERIS SPAIN S.L.U. -NTT DATA SPAIN Soluciones Tecnologicas S.L.
Numero di registrazione nazionale: B82387770
Indirizzo postale: Camino Fuente de la Mora, 1
Città postale: Madrid
Codice postale: 28050
Telefono: +34 934947700📞
Regione: Madrid 🏙️
Nome: Dedalus italia
Numero di registrazione nazionale: 05994810488
Indirizzo postale: Via di Collodi 6/c
Città postale: Firenze
Codice postale: 50141
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 05542471📞
Regione: Firenze🏙️
Nome: Pulso ediciones s.l.
Indirizzo postale: Rambla del Celler 117-119
Città postale: Sant Cugat del Vallès
Codice postale: 08172
Telefono: +34 647814363📞
Regione: Barcelona 🏙️
Nome: Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)
Numero di registrazione nazionale: EL 090101655
Città postale: Heraklion, crete
Codice postale: 70013
Telefono: +30 2810391445📞
Regione: Ηράκλειο 🏙️
Nome: Fundacio eurecat
Numero di registrazione nazionale: G66210345
Indirizzo postale: Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23
Città postale: Cerdanyola del Vallès
Codice postale: 08290
Telefono: +34 932381400📞
URL:🌏 Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 31303.28 💰
Informazioni complementari Corpo di revisione
Nome: Tar campania
Indirizzo postale: PIAZZA MUNICIPIO 64
Città postale: Napoli
Codice postale: 80133
Telefono: +39 817817100📞
Fax: +39 815529855 📠
URL:🌏 Organismo responsabile delle procedure di mediazione
Nome: Mediation body order of lawyers of benevento
Città postale: Benevento
Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“The procurement is exempted from the EU public procurement directives (including the EU procurement remedies directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC — see...”
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione
The procurement is exempted from the EU public procurement directives (including the EU procurement remedies directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC — see above) and the national laws that implement them.
Publication of this notice in the Official Journal is not to be understood as a waiver of this exemption by the contracting authority.
The deadlines for the review procedures at the bodies for review and mediation, mentioned in IV.4.1) and IV.4.2) are: 30 days from the publication of the Contract award notice.
The Lead procurer will incorporate a voluntary standstill period of five (5) calendar days from the date following electronic notification to unsuccessful tenderers of an award decision.
Any legal claim, petition or application for judicial review, with regard to the eCare PCP procedure, whether before civil law courts or administrative courts, shall be made before the Italian jurisdiction. By submitting a Bid, the Bidder accepts the exclusive jurisdiction of Italian courts.
Decisions taken with regard to the selection of bidders, awarding them with Phases 1, 2 or 3 or excluding them from the eCare PCP procedure should be challenged by means of an administrative remedy before the Benevento administrative Court (Tribunal Administrative de Benevento, Via Raffaele de Caro, 7, 82100 Benevento BN, Italy).
Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with the execution of the Phases contracts entered into between the Buyers Group and the Contractor, shall be heard by Benevento administrative Court.
Any dispute between the Parties arising out of or in connection with the Phases contracts shall in the first instance be referred to the Contractor’s Representative and the Lead Procurer’s Representative for resolution. The Parties agree to work together in good faith to reach an agreed settlement of any such dispute. If within fourteen (14) Days of being referred to both the above Representatives, the dispute has not been resolved, the Parties agree to submit the dispute to senior executive of the Contractor and the appropriate representative of the Lead Procurer as the Lead Procure sees fit and who shall have responsibility to settle such dispute on behalf of the Lead Procurer. The Parties shall meet within seven (7) Days of the referral to them of any dispute and shall work together in good faith to resolve the dispute. If within fourteen (14) Days, the dispute has not been resolved, the dispute may be referred, subject to mutual agreement, to mediation by a mediator to be agreed between the Parties. The fee for the appointed mediator shall be shared equally between the Parties. A note in this section shall preclude either Party from commencing an action for a legal remedy where time is of the essence and the remedy sought is only available in a court of law. In all other circumstances the Parties shall attempt to resolve a dispute in accordance with clauses the procedure set in this section.
For the Benevento's town the administrative Court is TAR Campania. TAR will have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with the Framework Agreement.