Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Open Procedure for the Conclusion of a Maximum of two ‘framework agreements’, Lasting No 48 Months, for the Supply of Clothing and Equipment Materials”
Prodotti/servizi: Indumenti, calzature, articoli da viaggio e accessori📦
Breve descrizione: Supply of clothing and equipment materials.
Valore stimato al netto dell'IVA: EUR 3 946 430 💰
Informazioni sui lotti
Le offerte possono essere presentate per un numero massimo di lotti: 2
Numero massimo di lotti che possono essere aggiudicati a un offerente: 1
1️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Leather Gloves — C.I.G. 8275704EF8 — C.U.P. D59E19002020001
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 1
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Guanti📦
Luogo di esecuzione: Italia🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“Delivery by the supplier, at the risk and expense, to the premises of the Carabinieri Department, in the manner agreed in the contract.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Black leather gloves: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Black leather gloves: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity equal to pa. 40 000 artefacts, of which No 9 600 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a pair of black leather gloves: EUR 17.38 excluding VAT.
Reinforced palm leather gloves for harsh climates: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity equal to pa. 6 000 artifacts, of which No 1 440 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a pair of black leather gloves: EUR 20.58 excluding VAT.
Presumed amount: the maximum amount of supplies that can be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement cannot exceed the total amount estimated at EUR 818 680.00 excluding VAT, of which EUR 196 483.20 excluding VAT for the first implementation contract, for the supply of pa. 9 600 leather and pa gloves. 1 440 leather gloves with reinforced palm.
In order to participate in the tender for the lot in question, the economic operators, even if gathered, must necessarily possess:
— complete production cycle consisting of: cutting and packaging;
— certification of UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standards (accreditation sector EA 05), according to the provisions of para III.2.3) of this call,
— specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) made in the 3-year period 2017-2019, for finished products similar to those in the contract, equal to at least EUR 196 483.20 (value relating to the first implementation contract).
Terms of preparation in a single installment (referring to the first implementation contract): within 90 days from the 11 day following the date of receipt of the communication of the approval of the negotiating act.
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Criterio di qualità (nome): Technical proposal
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 70
Prezzo (ponderazione): 30
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 818 680 💰
Durata del contratto, dell'accordo quadro o del sistema dinamico di acquisizione
L'arco di tempo indicato di seguito è espresso in numero di mesi.
Durata: 48
2️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Accoutrements — C.I.G. 82757168E1 — C.U.P. D59E19002030001
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 2
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Fondine📦
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Bandolier: the administration may commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a maximum presumed quantity...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Bandolier: the administration may commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a maximum presumed quantity equal to No 25 000 artifacts, of which No 6 000 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a bandolier: EUR 47.11 excluding VAT.
Summer leather belt: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity equal to 35 000 artifacts, of which No 8 400 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a leather belt: EUR 30.00 excluding VAT.
Cassette holster for Beretta Cougar 8000/PX4: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a maximum presumed quantity equal to 5 000 artifacts, of which No 1 000 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a cassette holster: EUR 20.00 excluding VAT.
Under-jacket holster for beretta pistol mod. 92 SB: the administration may commission the contractor, in the period of the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a maximum presumed quantity equal to 35 000 artifacts, of which No 8 400 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a holster under jacket: EUR 20.00 excluding VAT.
Under-jacket holster for beretta cougar 8000/PX4 pistol: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a maximum presumed quantity equal to No 5 000 artifacts, of which No 1 000 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a holster under jacket: EUR 20.00 excluding VAT.
Estimated amount: the maximum amount of supplies that can be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement cannot exceed the total amount estimated at EUR 3 127 750.00 excluding VAT, of which EUR 742 660.00 excluding VAT relatively to the first implementation contract, for the supply of No 6 000 bandoliers, No 8 400 summer leather belts, No 1 000 drawer holsters for beretta cougar 8000/PX4: No 8 400 under jacket holsters for beretta pistol mod. 92 sb and No 1 000 holsters for beretta cougar 8 000/PX4 pistol
In order to participate in the tender for the lot in question, the economic operators, even if gathered, must necessarily possess:
— complete production cycle consisting of: cutting and packaging;
— certification of UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standards (accreditation sector EA 05), according to the provisions of para III.2.3) of this call;
— specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) made in the 3-year period 2017-2019, for finished products similar to those in the contract, equal to at least EUR 742 660.00 (value relating to the first implementation contract).
Terms of preparation in a single installment (referring to the first implementation contract): within 90 days from the eleventh day following the date of receipt of the communication of the approval of the negotiating act.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 3 127 750 💰
Informazioni legali, economiche, finanziarie e tecniche Condizioni di partecipazione
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni:
“All economic operators are allowed under art. 45 of Legislative Decree No 50/2016, including competitors specifically and temporarily grouped pursuant to...”
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni
All economic operators are allowed under art. 45 of Legislative Decree No 50/2016, including competitors specifically and temporarily grouped pursuant to art. 45, paragraph 2, lett. (d) of Legislative Decree No 50/2016 and aggregations between companies participating in the network contract pursuant to art. 45, paragraph 2, lett. (f) of Legislative Decree No 50/2016, according to the procedures indicated in the tender specification.
Mostra di più Capacità tecnica e professionale
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione:
“Companies and/or groupings and/or networks specialised in the production of the products for which they ask to compete are eligible to participate. To this...”
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione
Companies and/or groupings and/or networks specialised in the production of the products for which they ask to compete are eligible to participate. To this end, each competitor must declare/demonstrate possession of the following minimum requirements:
(a) all the processing phases envisaged for each product as better specified in Annexes B-1 and B-2 to this announcement, as well as an overall organisation of the company which can be inferred from:
— descriptive list of the technical equipment owned pertaining to the products for which the company competes (as specified in the annexes to this announcement),
— production plants and labor force,
— daily production capacity referring to finished products similar to those of the contract, in line with the terms of preparation of the supply;
(b) certification certifying compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001-2015, currently valid, issued by an accredited body ACCREDIA or other body in mutual recognition, relating to the accreditation sector (EA 05) and verified and certified processes (indicated in the ‘purpose ‘Or’ field of application’) concerning the processing phase (s) carried out by the economic operator for the type (s) of products for which it is requested to participate or self-certification of the legal representative, drawn up pursuant to and for the effects of the DPR No 445/2000 and with the methods referred to in art. 38, paragraph 3 which certifies possession;
(c) specific turnover: list of supplies, made in the 3-year period 2017-2019, relating to finished products similar to those for which participation is requested, whose annual average must be at least equal to the value of the first implementation contract net of VAT, as better indicated in the attachments. The list must contain a detailed indication of the type of products, invoiced amounts, dates of contracts and beneficiaries.
The administration reserves the right to arrange technical inspections at competitors' offices, including secondary ones, to verify their technical capacity. The relative costs are borne by the competitor.
The minimum levels of technical and economic capacity are justified by the fact that the tender provides for the stipulation of framework agreements lasting 48 months, as well as by the objective complexity of the supplies (as regards the times of supply and delivery of the finished products, especially for the request of any ‘emergency 5’ or ‘additional 5’).
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura aperta
Informazioni su un accordo quadro o su un sistema dinamico di acquisto
Accordo quadro con un unico operatore
Informazioni amministrative
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione: 2020-09-07
17:00 📅
Lingue in cui possono essere presentate le offerte o le domande di partecipazione: italiano 🗣️
L'arco di tempo indicato di seguito è espresso in numero di mesi.
Periodo di tempo minimo durante il quale l'offerente deve mantenere l'offerta: 6
Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte: 2020-09-08
09:30 📅
Condizioni per l'apertura delle offerte (luogo):
“Electronic trading platform made available by Consip S.p.A. (as system manager), on the website www.acquistinretepa.it”
Informazioni complementari Informazioni sui flussi di lavoro elettronici
Sarà accettata la fatturazione elettronica
Informazioni aggiuntive
“(a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorised — pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree No 50/2016 — with...”
(a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorised — pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree No 50/2016 — with determines to contract No 410 R.U.A. on 8 April 2020.
(b) The tender specification, which contains all the conditions for participation, together with the relative annexes, the technical specifications and the draft framework agreement are available, together with this announcement, on the website www.carabinieri.it in the ‘administration’ section. transparent, sub-section calls for tenders and contracts, at the following URL: http://www.carabinieri.it/cittadino/informazioni/gare-appalto/gare-appalto/accordi-quadro-per-la-fornitura-di-materiali-di-vestiario-ed-equipaggiamento
And on the website www.acquistinretepa.it (initiative name: open procedure for the supply of clothing and equipment materials — initiative number/code: 2587853 accessible from the ‘other tenders’ subfolder).
(c) The D.U.V.R.I. has not been drawn up due to the absence of interference.
(d) The race number attributed to this procedure by the A.N.AC. is: 7742147.
(e) This invitation to tender was sent for publication in the G.U.U.E. to the Publications Office of the European Union on 16 June 2020.
(f) Pursuant to EC Regulation No 593 of 17 June 2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Italian law will be applied to the contractual obligations deriving from this tender.
(g) The head of the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
(h) The Director of the execution of the contract is the pro-tempore Director of the Commissariat Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri — Ufficio Approvvigionamenti
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania No 45
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 0680982269/2082📞
E-mail: crm42527@pec.carabinieri.it📧
URL: http://www.carabinieri.it/Internet/🌏 Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from notification or effective knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Rome office.” Servizio presso il quale è possibile ottenere informazioni sulla procedura di riesame
Nome: Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio
Indirizzo postale: Via Flaminia 189
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 06328721📞
Fax: +39 0632872310 📠
Fonte: OJS 2020/S 118-285936 (2020-06-16)
Avviso di aggiudicazione (2021-02-20) Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Nome e indirizzi
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Open Procedure for the Conclusion of a Maximum of two ‘Framework Agreements’, Lasting No 48 Months, for the Supply of Clothing and Equipment”
Valore totale dell'appalto (IVA esclusa): EUR 3 946 430 💰
Informazioni sui lotti
Questo contratto è suddiviso in lotti ✅ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Leather Gloves – C.I.G. 8275704EF8 – C.U.P. D59E19002020001
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“Delivery at the risk and expense of the supplier, on the premises at the Carabinieri Department, in the manner agreed in the contract.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Black leather gloves: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Black leather gloves: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity equal to pa 40 000 artifacts, of which No 9,600 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a pair of black leather gloves: EUR 17.38 excluding VAT.
Leather gloves with reinforced palm for harsh climates: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply an assumed maximum quantity equal to pa. 6 000 artifacts, of which No 1 440 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a pair of black leather gloves: EUR 20.58 excluding VAT.
Presumed amount: the maximum amount of supplies that can be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement cannot exceed the total estimated amount of EUR 818 680.00 excluding VAT, of which EUR 196 483.20 excluding VAT relating to the first implementation contract, for the supply of pa. 9 600 gloves in leather and pa. 1 440 leather gloves with reinforced palm.
To participate in the tender in relation to the lot in question, the participating economic operators, even if gathered, must necessarily possess:
— complete production cycle consisting of: cutting and packaging;
— UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certification (EA 05 accreditation sector), according to the provisions of paragraph III.2.3) of this call;
— specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) achieved in the 3-year period 2017-2019, for finished products similar to those under contract, equal to at least EUR 196 483.20 (value relating to the first implementation contract).
Terms of preparation in a single instalment (referring to the first implementation contract): within 90 days. from the eleventh day following the date of receipt of the communication of the approval of the negotiation deed.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Luggage – C.I.G. 82757168E1 – C.U.P. D59E19002030001
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Bandolier: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Bandolier: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity equal to No 25,000 artifacts, of which No 6,000 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a shoulder bag: EUR 47.11 excluding VAT.
Summer leather belt: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity of No 35,000 artifacts, of which No 8,400 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a leather belt: EUR 30.00 excluding VAT.
Cassette holster for Beretta Cougar 8000/PX4: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity of No 5 000 artifacts, of which No 1 000 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of a boxed holster: EUR 20.00 excluding VAT.
Under jacket holster for beretta pistol mod. 92 SB: the administration may commission the contractor, during the duration of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply an assumed maximum quantity of no. 35 000 artifacts, of which n. 8,400 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of an under jacket holster: EUR 20.00 excluding VAT.
Under jacket holster for Beretta Cougar 8000/PX4 pistol: the Administration may commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (48 months), to supply a presumed maximum quantity of No 5,000 artifacts, of which No 1,000 relating to the first implementation contract.
Unit price of an under jacket holster: EUR 20.00 excluding VAT.
Presumed amount: the maximum amount of supplies that can be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement cannot exceed the total estimated amount of EUR 3 127 750.00 excluding VAT, of which EUR 742 660.00 excluding VAT relating to to the first implementation contract, for the supply of No 6,000 bandoliers, No 8,400 summer leather belts, No 1,000 boxed holsters for Beretta Cougar 8000/PX4; n. 8,400 holsters for beretta pistol mod. 92 SB and No 1,000 under jacket holsters for Beretta Cougar 8000/PX4 pistol.
To participate in the tender in relation to the lot in question, the participating economic operators, even if gathered, must necessarily possess:
— complete production cycle consisting of: cutting and packaging;
— UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certification (EA 05 accreditation sector), according to the provisions of paragraph III.2.3) of this call;
— specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) achieved in the 3-year period 2017-2019, for finished products similar to those under contract, equal to at least EUR 742 660.00 (value relating to the first implementation contract).
Terms of preparation in a single installment (referring to the first implementation contract): within 90 days. from the eleventh day following the date of receipt of the communication of the approval of the negotiation deed.
Procedura Informazioni sull'accordo quadro
L'appalto prevede la stipula di un accordo quadro
Informazioni amministrative
Pubblicazione precedente relativa a questa procedura: 2020/S 118-285936
Aggiudicazione del contratto
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 1
Titolo: Leather gloVes – C.I.G. 8275704EF8 – C.U.P. D59E19002020001
Data di stipula del contratto: 2021-02-13 📅
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 2
Numero di offerte ricevute da PMI: 2
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: SIM Italian Gloves S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Via XII Traversa Saggese, 1
Città postale: Afragola
Codice postale: 80021
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 08119106043📞
E-mail: simitaliangloves@pec.it📧
Regione: Napoli🏙️
Il contraente è una PMI ✅ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 818 680 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 796 520 💰
Numero di contratto: 2
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 2
Titolo: Luggage – C.I.G. 82757168E1 – C.U.P. D59E19002030001
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 1
Numero di offerte ricevute da PMI: 1
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: Radar Leather Division S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Via dei Rosai n. 7/11
Città postale: Fucecchio
Codice postale: 50054
Telefono: +39 057122047📞
E-mail: info@pec.radar1957.it📧
Regione: Firenze🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 3 127 750 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 2 993 150 💰
“The sole person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director...”
The sole person in charge of the procedure is the pro-tempore Head of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director of the execution of the contract is the pro-tempore Director of the Commissariat Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from notification or from actual knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Rome office.”
Fonte: OJS 2021/S 039-096514 (2021-02-20)