1) The tender procedure is managed through the IT system Sintel, accessible at
www.ariaspa.it, description and methods of use are specified in tender specification, Annexes and technical manuals.
2) Provisions concerning: the R&D activities, the modalities for submitting offers, the assessment elements, the opening bid — which can not be exceeded in the tender, under penalty of exclusion from the tender — the subcontracting, the other exclusion causes and the other tender information are contained in the tender specification and annexes. R&D services shall last 24 months.
3) At least 70 % of the R&D services value must be carried out within the Member States of the EU.
4) Tender specification contains the participation modalities
in case of (i) temporary business groupings,
in case of (ii) aggregations of companies belonging to a business network, and
in case of (iii) consortia.
5) Having received additional public funding for the same expenses incurred in relation to the research and development services is a reason for exclusion, whereas this involves a double funding mechanism or a combination of different sources of public funding, in contrast with the community legislation.
6) Bidders finding themselves in one of the control situations described by art. 2359 of the Italian Civil Code or in any control situation, even a de facto one, are not allowed to participate to the tender, if the control situation or the relationship:
(i) implies that the bids are attributable to a single decision-making center;
(ii) has influenced the formulation of the bid. Bidders for which it is ascertained that the relative offers are attributable to a single decision-making center, based on univocal elements, will also be excluded from the tender.
7) Partial and/or conditional bids are not allowed as specified in the tender specification.
8) Bidders consent the processing of their personal data, in accordance with D.Lgs. n 196/2003 s.m.i., and the EU Regulation 2016/679 for procurement and contractual needs.
9) In order to stipulating the framework agreement and step 1 executing contract, a deposit amounting to 10 % of step 1 award amount will be required, as stated in the tender specification. In case of award of step 2 and step 3, the supplier has to integrate the deposit when signing the executing contracts for the higher amount to be quantified up to 10 % of the award amount of each of the aforementioned steps, without prejudice to any reductions, in compliance with what stated within the tender specification.
10) Information and clarifications can be requested, as stated in tender specification, no later than 31 August 2020, local time: 14.00. The tender documents clarifications will be published as specified in the tender specification.
11) Bidders are required to provide the domicile chosen for receiving the communications, taking note that ARIA will send them as indicated in the specific attachment.
12) Dr. C. Schweigl is designated as the head of the procedure.
13) It is in the interest of the procuring entity that the services are rendered predominantly by the contracting entity whose capacity has been proven and, for this reason, subcontracting is permitted up to 40 %. Given that the tendering procedure is centralized, with large volumes, it is more exposed to a need to control the contract in trust through the use of the subcontracting institute. The reliance is characterized by essentiality. The percentage, considering the aggregation of volumes, the type of the economic sector and the entrepreneurial fabric of reference, does not prevent small and medium-sized enterprises from gaining access to the contract.
14) The Selection board pursuant to art. 77 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 will consist of 3 commissioners.
15) In accordance with the provisions of art. 1, par. 3, Law 55/2019, the procedure is subject to art. 133, par. 8, of Legislative Decree No 18 April 2016, No 50.