Accelerated Restricted Procedure for the Conclusion of a Maximum of 7 “Framework Agreements”, Each with a Single Economic Operator, for the Supply of Clothing and Equipment
Supply of clothing and equipment and, specifically: socks (Lot 1), caps and plumes (Lot 2), summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists (Lot 3), set of bags for equipment (Lot 4), sweaters, technical jerseys and thermal subcombinazines (Lot 5), summer shirts (Lot 6) and long-sleeved shirts (Lot 7).
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2019-01-08.
L'appalto è stato pubblicato su 2018-12-11.
I seguenti fornitori sono menzionati nelle decisioni di aggiudicazione o in altri documenti di appalto:
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Accelerated Restricted Procedure for the Conclusion of a Maximum of 7 “Framework Agreements”, Each with a Single Economic Operator, for the Supply of...”
Accelerated Restricted Procedure for the Conclusion of a Maximum of 7 “Framework Agreements”, Each with a Single Economic Operator, for the Supply of Clothing and Equipment.
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Prodotti/servizi: Indumenti, calzature, articoli da viaggio e accessori📦
Breve descrizione:
“Supply of clothing and equipment and, specifically: socks (Lot 1), caps and plumes (Lot 2), summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists (Lot 3), set of bags for...”
Breve descrizione
Supply of clothing and equipment and, specifically: socks (Lot 1), caps and plumes (Lot 2), summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists (Lot 3), set of bags for equipment (Lot 4), sweaters, technical jerseys and thermal subcombinazines (Lot 5), summer shirts (Lot 6) and long-sleeved shirts (Lot 7).
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Valore stimato al netto dell'IVA: EUR 20967037.95 💰
Informazioni sui lotti
Le offerte possono essere presentate per tutti i lotti
1️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Socks – C.I.G. 7714324D8A
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 1
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Calze📦
Luogo di esecuzione: Italia🏙️
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“Delivery to care, risk and expenses of the supplier, in the premises of the Arma dei Carabinieri Departments, with the procedures agreed in the contract.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Light cotton socks (mod 2018): The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply n. 320...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Light cotton socks (mod 2018): The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply n. 320 709 manufactured articles, of which n. 80 109 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Black terry stockings: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply n. 239 187 manufactured goods, of which n. 59 787 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: The maximum amount of supplies that may be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total estimated amount of 1 945 437,78 EUR (excluding VAT), of which 486 057,78 EUR (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of: Weaving and packaging.
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) following machines: Circular machines in possession of a number of needles suitable for making stockings on the basis of technical specifications,
(d) specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) carried out in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 972 115,56 EUR equal to twice the value of the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Criterio di qualità (nome): Technical proposal
Criterio di qualità (ponderazione): 70
Prezzo (ponderazione): 30
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 1945437.78 💰
Durata del contratto, dell'accordo quadro o del sistema dinamico di acquisizione Descrizione
Durata: 90
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Single installment terms: Within 90 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework agreement.”
2️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Headwear and Accessories — C.I.G. 7714331354
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 2
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Berretti📦
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Male hard cap: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply n. 14 736 manufactured...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Male hard cap: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply n. 14 736 manufactured articles, of which n. 3 636 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
GUSH poppets: the Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply n. 18 894 artifacts, of which n. 4 794 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: The maximum amount of supplies that may be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total estimated amount of 1 835 144,16 EUR (excluding VAT), of which 463 583,16 EUR (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of:
— male caps: Cutting and packaging,
— plumes: Selection, preparation of feathers and assembly,
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 927 166,00 EUR equal to twice the value related to the first implementation contract,
(d) P.S. license ex art. 28 of the R.D. 773/1931 for the sole Italian packaging companies.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 1835144.16 💰
3️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Footwear — C.I.G. 7714338919
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 3
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Stivali alti📦
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply 19 156 artifacts, of which n. 4 816 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: The maximum amount of supplies that may be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total estimated amount of 1 970 752,68 EUR (excluding VAT), of which 486 319,68 (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of: Cutting, hemming of the upper part, assembly of components and assembly.
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 972 639,36 EUR, equal to twice the value related to the first implementation contract,
(d) P.S. license ex art. 28 of the R.D. 773/1931 for the sole Italian packaging companies.
At the start of the work, the subcontractor of the leather, in possession of suitable certification, which is currently valid, must be indicated in copy, certifying compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards issued by the company. Accredited Accredia or other body in mutual recognition.
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Criterio di qualità (nome): technical proposal
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 1970752.68 💰
4️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Suitcases — C.I.G. 7714344E0B
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 4
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Borse da viaggio📦
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Set of equipment bags: the Administration can commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 14 795...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Set of equipment bags: the Administration can commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 14 795 manufactured articles, of which n. 3 695 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: the maximum amount of supplies that may be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total amount estimated at 1 207 272,00 EUR (excluding VAT), of which 301 512,00 EUR (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of: cutting and packaging.
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 603 024,00 EUR equal to twice the value related to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 1 207 272 💰
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Single installment terms: Within 90 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework agreement within.”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Single installment terms: Within 90 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework agreement within.
5️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Knitwear — C.I.G. 77143524A8
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 5
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Magliette📦
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Turtleneck sweater: The Administration can commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 55 200...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Turtleneck sweater: The Administration can commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 55 200 manufactured articles, of which n. 13 800 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Technical shirt for NRMs and motorcyclists: the Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 52 800 manufactured articles, of which n. 13 200 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Thermal sub-combination: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), to supply no. 42 736 manufactured articles, of which n. 10 636 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: The maximum amount of supplies that may be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total estimated amount of 3 653 493,12 EUR (excluding VAT), of which 912 345,12 EUR (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019. In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of: weaving, cutting and packaging. In the case of a business meeting, weaving and rolling will have to be performed, for the same type of product, even separately, as the sole economic operator, in order to guarantee uniformity of technical characteristics,
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) specific turnover: average turnover (excluding VAT) in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 1 824 690,24 EUR, equal to twice the value of the first implementation contract,
(d) P.S. license ex art. 28 of the R.D. 773/1931 for the sole Italian packaging companies.
Mostra di più Criteri di assegnazione
Criterio di qualità (nome): Offerta tecnica
Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 3653493.12 💰
6️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Summer Shirts — C.I.G. 7714783853
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 6
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Camicie📦
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Blue shirt with half sleeves: The Administration can commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 154...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Blue shirt with half sleeves: The Administration can commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 154 329 manufactured goods, of which n. 38 529 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: The maximum amount of supplies that may be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total estimated amount of 3 007 872,21 EUR (excluding VAT), of which 750 930,21 EUR (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of: Weaving, finishing, cutting and packaging. In the event of a business meeting, weaving and finishing must be carried out, for the same type of product, even separately, as sole economic operator, in order to ensure uniformity of technical characteristics,
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) specific turnover: Average turnover (excluding VAT) in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 1 501 860,42 EUR equal to twice the value related to the first implementation contract,
(d) P.S. license ex art. 28 of the R.D. 773/1931 for the sole Italian packaging companies.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 3007872.21 💰
Durata: 105
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Single installment terms:
Fabric: Within 45 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Single installment terms:
Fabric: Within 45 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework agreement.
Packaging: Within 60 days of distribution in sizes.
7️⃣ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Long Sleeved Shirts — C.I.G. 7714836411
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 7
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“White shirt: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 376 774 manufactured...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
White shirt: The Administration may commission the Contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019–2022), the supply of n. 376 774 manufactured goods, of which n. 94 174 relating to the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
Estimated amount: The maximum amount of supplies that can be commissioned to the contractor under this framework agreement may not exceed the total amount estimated at 7 347 093,00 EUR (VAT excluded), including 1 836 393,00 (VAT excluded) for the first implementation contract to be signed in 2019.
In order to take part in the tender relating to the lot in question, the current economic operators, even if assembled, must necessarily possess:
To. complete production cycle consisting of: Weaving, finishing, cutting and packaging. In the event of a business meeting, weaving and finishing must be carried out, for the same type of product, even separately, as sole economic operator, in order to ensure uniformity of technical characteristics,
(b) certification of UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, as provided for in para. III.2.3),
(c) specific turnover: Average turnover (excluding VAT) in the 3-year period 2015-17, for products similar to those under contract, amounting to at least 3 672 786,00 EUR, equal to twice the value related to the first implementation contract,
(d) P.S. license ex art. 28 of the R.D. 773/1931 for the sole Italian packaging companies.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Valore totale stimato, IVA esclusa: EUR 7 347 093 💰
Durata: 150
Informazioni aggiuntive:
“Single installment terms:
Fabric: Within 60 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework...”
Informazioni aggiuntive
Single installment terms:
Fabric: Within 60 days from the eleventh day following receipt of the communication of approval and registration of the framework agreement.
Packaging: Within 90 days from distribution in sizes
Informazioni legali, economiche, finanziarie e tecniche Condizioni di partecipazione
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni:
“Participation in the competition of competitors is allowed:
1) that:
— are in possession of the general requirements provided for by:
—— Or art. 80,...”
Elenco e breve descrizione delle condizioni
Participation in the competition of competitors is allowed:
1) that:
— are in possession of the general requirements provided for by:
—— Or art. 80, paragraph 1, letters a), b), b-bis), c), d), e), f) and g) of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016,
—— Or art. 80, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016,
—— Or art. 80, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016,
—— Or art. 80, paragraph 5, letters a), b), c), d), e), f), f-bis), f-ter), g), h), i), l) and m) of D. Lgs. N. 50/2016,
— do not benefit from individual plans for the emergence of undeclared work pursuant to art. 1-bis of the law 383/2001, introduced by the art. 1, paragraph 2 of the Decree-Law n. 210/2002,
— are registered in the business register with the competent chambers of commerce, industry, agriculture and crafts, or in one of the professional or trade registers established in the country in which they are resident;
2) for whose company figures, as listed in art. 80, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016, there are no:
— the causes of exclusion provided for by art. 80, paragraph 1, letters a), b), b-bis), c), d), e), f) and g) and paragraph 2 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016,
— the application of one of the surveillance prevention measures pursuant to art. 6 of Legislative Decree 159/2011,
— judgments, although not final, confirmed at the time of appeal, relating to offenses that preclude participation in tenders, pursuant to art. 67, paragraph 8 of Legislative Decree no. 159/2011;
3) having their registered office, residence or domicile in the countries included in the c.d. black list referred to the Decree of the Minister of Finance of 4.5.1999 and the decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of 21.11.2001 which must, under penalty of exclusion from the tender, be in possession of the authorization, in validity, issued pursuant to the DM 14.12.2010 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance pursuant to art. 37 of the D.L. 3.5.2010 n. 78 conv. Law n. 122/2010, or of the application for authorization presented pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 3 of the D.M. 14.12.2010;
4) have registered the system, in accordance with the procedures detailed in the document called "Instructions for the registration of the economic operator to the electronic trading platform", published on the website, in the section “administration transparent“ sub-section ”calls for tenders and contracts”, at the URL
Mostra di più Posizione economica e finanziaria
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione:
“Each competing company (even if auxiliary or principal) must produce, together with the application form, two suitable bank statements.” Capacità tecnica e professionale
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione:
“The companies and/or Groupings and/or Networks specialized in the production of the manufactured articles for which they ask to compete and hold all the...”
Elenco e breve descrizione dei criteri di selezione
The companies and/or Groupings and/or Networks specialized in the production of the manufactured articles for which they ask to compete and hold all the stages of production indicated in annexes for each product are eligible for participation. To this end, each competitor must declare/demonstrate possession of the following minimum requirements:
To. all the processing phases envisaged for each product as specified in the annexes to this announcement, as well as an overall company organization based on:
— descriptive list of the technical equipment possessed for the items for which the company competes (as specified in the attachments to this announcement),
— production plants and workforce,
— daily production capacity referred to finished products similar to those of the contract, in line with the terms of preparation of the supply.
(b) certification, in original or in certified copy, certifying compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001-2015 standards, issued by Accredia accredited body or other entity in mutual recognition, relating to the accreditation sector (EA) and verified and certified processes (indicated in “Purpose” or “scope”) concerning the processing phase (s) performed by the economic operator for the type (s) of manufactured articles for which he/she requests to participate,
(c) specific turnover: list of supplies, realized in the 3-year period 2015–2017, related to similar finished products (for raw materials used, construction techniques, machinery and equipment used, ratio of proportion, similarity and intended use) to those for which it is requested to participate, whose annual average must be at least twice the value of the first implementing contract to be signed in 2019 net of VAT, as better indicated in the attachments. The list must contain a detailed indication of the type of products, invoiced amounts, dates of contracts and beneficiaries.
The Administration reserves the right to dispose of technical inspections at the premises, even secondary, of competitors, to verify their technical capacity. The relative expenses are at the expense of the competitor.
The minimum levels of technical and economic capacity are justified because the tender relates to a framework agreement, with the possibility of further implementation contracts, in the following 3-year period, as well as from the objective complexity of supplies (in terms of preparation and delivery of finished products, species for request of “V of urgency” or “V of obligation”).
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura ristretta
Procedura accelerata:
“Logistical and operational need to distribute the manufactured products by the beginning of the 2019 winter season, which justifies the reduction of...”
Procedura accelerata
Logistical and operational need to distribute the manufactured products by the beginning of the 2019 winter season, which justifies the reduction of procedural terms, pursuant to art. 61, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016.
Mostra di più Informazioni su un accordo quadro o su un sistema dinamico di acquisto
Accordo quadro con un unico operatore
Informazioni amministrative
Termine per la ricezione delle offerte o delle domande di partecipazione: 2019-01-08
23:59 📅
Lingue in cui possono essere presentate le offerte o le domande di partecipazione: italiano 🗣️
Informazioni complementari Informazioni sui flussi di lavoro elettronici
Sarà accettata la fatturazione elettronica
Informazioni aggiuntive
“(a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorized - pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 — with...”
(a) The procurement procedures referred to in this announcement have been authorized - pursuant to art. 32, co. 2, of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016 — with determines to contract n. 782 R.U.A. on 21.11.2018,
(b) The competition will be carried out according to the procedures established by the Legislative Decree n. 50/2016 and will also be awarded in the case of a single offer valid for each lot, in consideration of the urgency of having the materials in question that would be prejudiced in case of repetition of the tender, providing that:
— the award is made in descending order, starting from the most valuable lot,
— the same economic operator can win a maximum of two functional lots,
(c) Applications for participation (stamped by 16,00 EUR if formulated in Italy) indicating the lot or lots to which you intend to participate, under penalty of exclusion from the tender, must:
— to reach the General Command of the Carabinieri Army — Single Contractual Center located in Viale Romania n. 45 — 00197 Rome, together with all the required documentation, within the peremptory period indicated in para. IV.3.4), exclusively to the address P.E.C. All files transmitted — under penalty of exclusion - must be digitally signed by the competitor's legal representative. The foreign economic operator whose legal representative does not have a digital signature can send — always to the above mentioned address P.E.C. — original documents duly scanned and digitally signed by the legal representative of another company connected to it. The competitor will be able to pay the stamp duty by payment via F24, indicating the code “2501” called “stamp duty”, pursuant to art. 6 of the Decree of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance on 17.6.2014. The payment receipt must be sent together with the remaining documentation;
— indicate if it participates in single or associated form (for example in R.T.I., consozio, etc.),
— be made with the signature of the legal representative, provided with the necessary powers or by a proxy with special power of attorney conferred by a public deed or private deed authenticated by the notary, to be produced together with the application (in the case of establishing RTI or aggregations between companies participating in the contract of the network, refer to the provisions of para III.1.3),
— specify, under penalty of invalidity/inadmissibility, the production cycle referring to the materials of the lot of interest, as specified in the annexes, owned by each company and the parts of the supply (the type of products and/or quantities and/or phases of processing) that will execute each company, even if grouped, retista, consorziata or auxiliary,
— enclose all the documentation prescribed in para. III.2 (Conditions of participation) digitally signed, with regard to each competing company (even if reunited, consortium, auxiliary or retista participating in the tender),
— indicate the domicile elected for communications (even if it coincides with the registered office), the certified e-mail address and the telephone number (possibly also a mobile phone number) of the competitor. Competitors located in other Member States must indicate the e-mail address to be used for the purposes of communications pursuant to art. 76, paragraph 5 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016. It should be noted that pursuant to art. 52 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2016, when the economic operator submits the offer on the telecommunication platform, he will automatically elect domicile in the specific “Communications Area” reserved to him, for the purpose of receiving any communication concerning this procedure.
They do not bind the Administration of Defense.
It is recommended to specify in P.E.C. the object of the tender (as indicated in point II.1.1).
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri — Centro Unico Contrattuale
Indirizzo postale: Rue Romania n. 45
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00197
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 0680982269/2082/2257📞
Fax: +39 0680987586 📠 Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from the notification or the actual knowledge of the award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Rome office.” Servizio presso il quale è possibile ottenere informazioni sulla procedura di riesame
Nome: Regional Administrative Court of Lazio
Indirizzo postale: Rue Flaminia n. 189
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00196
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 06328721📞
Fax: +39 0632872310 📠
Fonte: OJS 2018/S 241-549923 (2018-12-11)
Avviso di aggiudicazione (2020-01-29) Amministrazione aggiudicatrice Nome e indirizzi
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri — Centro Unico Contrattuale
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Città postale: Roma
Telefono: +39 0680982269/2082📞
Indirizzo del profilo dell'acquirente:🌏
Oggetto Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
“Accelerated Restricted Procedure for the Conclusion of up to 7 ‘Framework Agreements’ each of them with a Single Economic Operator, for the Supply of...”
Accelerated Restricted Procedure for the Conclusion of up to 7 ‘Framework Agreements’ each of them with a Single Economic Operator, for the Supply of Clothing and Equipment Materials
Mostra di più
Breve descrizione:
“Accelerated restricted procedure for the supply of clothing and equipment materials.
Lot 1: C.I.G. 7714324D8A;
Lot 2: C.I.G. 7714331354;
Lot 3: C.I.G....”
Breve descrizione
Accelerated restricted procedure for the supply of clothing and equipment materials.
Lot 1: C.I.G. 7714324D8A;
Lot 2: C.I.G. 7714331354;
Lot 3: C.I.G. 7714338919;
Lot 4: C.I.G. 7714344E0B;
Lot 5: C.I.G. 77143524A8;
Lot 6: C.I.G. 7714783853; and
Lot 7: C.I.G. 7714836411.
Mostra di più
Valore totale dell'appalto (IVA esclusa): EUR 20967037.95 💰
Informazioni sui lotti
Questo contratto è suddiviso in lotti ✅ Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Stockings – C.I.G. 7714324D8A
Prodotti/servizi aggiuntivi: Indumenti, calzature, articoli da viaggio e accessori📦
Sede principale o luogo di esecuzione:
“Delivery by the supplier at the Department of the Carabinieri Department, at the risk and expense of the supplier, in the manner agreed in the contract.”
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Light cotton socks (mod 2018): the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Light cotton socks (mod 2018): the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 320,709 artefacts, of which No 80,109 relating to the first implementation contract.
Black terry socks: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 239.187 artefacts, of which No 59,787 relating to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Headgear and Accessories – C.I.G. 7714331354
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Male rigid cap: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, in the period of duration of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Male rigid cap: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, in the period of duration of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 14,736 artefacts, of which No 3,636 relating to the first implementation contract.
Plumes for GUS hats: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 18,894 artefacts, of which No 4,794 relating to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Footwear – C.I.G. 7714338919
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Summer boots for NRMs and motorcyclists: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (2019-2022), for the supply of 19,156 manufactured articles, of which n. 4,816 relating to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Suitcases – C.I.G. 7714344E0B
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Set of equipment bags: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Set of equipment bags: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 14,795 artefacts, of which No 3,695 relating to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Knitwear – C.I.G. 77143524A8
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Turquoise turtleneck sweater with upturned neck: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Turquoise turtleneck sweater with upturned neck: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the period of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 55,200 artefacts, of which No 13,800 relating to the first implementation contract.
Technical jersey for NRMs and motorcyclists: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, in the period of duration of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 52,800 artefacts, of which No 13,200 relating to the first implementation contract.
Thermal sub-combination: the administration may commission the contractor, in the period of duration of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 42,736 artefacts, of which No 10,636 relating to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Summer Shirts – C.I.G. 7714783853
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“Blue shirt with short sleeves: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
Blue shirt with short sleeves: the administration will be able to commission the contractor, during the term of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 154,329 artefacts, of which No 38,529 relating to the first implementation contract.
Mostra di più Ambito di applicazione dell'appalto
Titolo: Long Sleeve Shirts – C.I.G. 7714836411
Descrizione dell'appalto:
“White shirt: the administration may commission the contractor, in the period of duration of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 376,774...”
Descrizione dell'appalto
White shirt: the administration may commission the contractor, in the period of duration of the framework agreement (2019-2022), the supply of No 376,774 artefacts, of which No 94.174 relating to the first implementation contract.
Procedura Tipo di procedura
Procedura accelerata:
“Logistical-operational need to distribute the artefacts by the beginning of the 2019 winter season which justifies the reduction of the procedural terms,...”
Procedura accelerata
Logistical-operational need to distribute the artefacts by the beginning of the 2019 winter season which justifies the reduction of the procedural terms, pursuant to Art. 61, paragraph 6 of Legislative Decree No 50/2016.
Mostra di più Informazioni sull'accordo quadro
L'appalto prevede la stipula di un accordo quadro
Informazioni amministrative
Pubblicazione precedente relativa a questa procedura: 2018/S 241-549923
Aggiudicazione del contratto
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 1
Titolo: Stockings
Data di stipula del contratto: 2020-01-17 📅
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 2
Numero di offerte ricevute da PMI: 2
L'appalto è stato aggiudicato a un gruppo di operatori economici ✅ Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: Dublo S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Via della Stazione Km. 6,000
Città postale: Latina
Codice postale: 04100
Paese: Italia 🇮🇹
Telefono: +39 077340821📞
Regione: Latina🏙️
Il contraente è una PMI ✅
Nome: Calzificio DI Parabiago Mario RE Depaolini S.p.A.
Indirizzo postale: Via Santa Maria n. 60
Città postale: Parabiago
Codice postale: 20015
Regione: Milano🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 1945437.78 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 1519701.66 💰
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 2
Titolo: Headgear and Accessories
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 1
Numero di offerte ricevute da PMI: 1
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: MIRAFAN S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Via dell'Oceano Atlantico n. 182
Città postale: Roma
Codice postale: 00144
Telefono: +39 0654278301📞
Regione: Roma🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 1835144.16 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 1831720.62 💰
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 3
Titolo: Footwear
Informazioni sulle gare d'appalto
Numero di offerte ricevute: 3
Numero di offerte ricevute da PMI: 3
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: Iturri s.a.
Indirizzo postale: Avenida Roberto Osborne 5-9
Città postale: Siviglia
Codice postale: 41007
Paese: Spagna 🇪🇸
Telefono: +34 678337864📞
Regione: España 🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 1970725.68 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 1910616.40 💰
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 4
Titolo: Suitcases
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: Vega Holster S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Via di Mezzo n. 34
Città postale: Calcinaia
Codice postale: 56030
Telefono: +39 0587489190📞
Regione: Pisa🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 1 207 272 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 1203573.25 💰
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 5
Titolo: Knitwear
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: LA Griffe S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Contrada S. Salvatore snc
Città postale: Force
Codice postale: 63086
Telefono: +39 0736373621📞
Regione: Ascoli Piceno🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 3653493.12 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 2922855.04 💰
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 6
Titolo: Summer Shirts
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: C.B.F. Balducci S.p.A.
Indirizzo postale: Via Grazia Deledda n. 2
Città postale: Montecassiano
Codice postale: 62010
Telefono: +39 0733290384📞
Regione: Macerata🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 3007872.21 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 2973919.83 💰
Numero di identificazione del lotto: 7
Titolo: Long Sleeve Shirts
Nome e indirizzo del contraente
Nome: Sinergy Group S.r.l.
Indirizzo postale: Loc. Lagarine n. 9
Città postale: Scurelle
Codice postale: 38050
Telefono: +39 0461781901📞
Regione: Trento🏙️ Informazioni sul valore del contratto/lotto (IVA esclusa)
Valore totale stimato del contratto/lotto: EUR 7 347 093 💰
Valore totale del contratto/lotto: EUR 7343325.26 💰
“The Sole Officer of the procedure is the pro-tempore Chief of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director of the...”
The Sole Officer of the procedure is the pro-tempore Chief of the Single Contractual Center of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
The Director of the execution of the contract is the pro-tempore Director of the Commissariat Directorate of the General Command of the Carabinieri.
Mostra di più Corpo di revisione
Nome: Comando Generale dell'Arma dei Carabinieri — Ufficio Approvvigionamenti
Indirizzo postale: Viale Romania n. 45
Telefono: +39 0680982269/2082📞
URL:🌏 Procedura di revisione
Informazioni precise sulle scadenze delle procedure di revisione:
“30 days from the notification or the actual knowledge of the successful award, to appeal to the competent Regional Administrative Court of Lazio, Rome office.” Servizio presso il quale è possibile ottenere informazioni sulla procedura di riesame
Nome: Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio
Indirizzo postale: Via Flaminia 189
Codice postale: 00197
Fonte: OJS 2020/S 022-048024 (2020-01-29)