Service framework contract for electronic hardware design, development and maintenance for the European Solar Test Installation (ESTI)

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.C โ€” Energy, Transport and Climate (Petten), JRC.C.2 โ€” Energy Efficiency an

This call for tender seeks to provide electronic hardware (and related software) support services in the Energy Efficiency Renewables Unit in the fields of laboratory automation, experimental installations and data acquisition; this includes measurement system development, maintenance and studies.

Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2017-09-08. L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2017-06-30.




Storia dell'approvvigionamento
Data Documento
2017-06-30 Avviso di gara
2017-09-20 Avviso di aggiudicazione