Framework service contract for Copernicus emergency management service mapping validation
The Copernicus emergency management service, in continuation of the GMES initial operations phase, is intended as an operational service offered to the authorised users active in the field of crisis management in the EU Member States, the European Civil Protection Mechanism, the Commission's Directorates-General (DGs) and the participating executive agencies and international humanitarian aid organisations.
The core character of the EMS lies in the provision upon activation by the authorised user of timely and accurate information derived from satellite or airborne imaging sensor data in all phases of the emergency management cycle. The information generated by the service can be used as supplied by the contractor (e.g. as digital or printed map outputs) or further combined with other data sources (e.g. as digital feature sets in a geographic information system (GIS)) to support analysis and decision-making processes of emergency managers.
The implementation of the Copernicus EMS has 4 different modules:
1. the EMS rapid mapping:
on-demand and fast provision of geospatial information in support to emergency management activities immediately following an emergency event;
2. the EMS risk and recovery mapping:
on-demand provision of geospatial information in support to emergency management activities during the phases of the emergency management cycle not related to the immediate response. In particular, information provision relates to the prevention, preparedness and reconstruction phases;
3. the EMS mapping validation:
verification of a sample of service outputs produced by Copernicus EMS rapid mapping or Copernicus EMS risk and recovery mapping services, and including external quality control, validation of thematic information content and comparison to alternative information sources related to the emergency context;
4. the EMS early warning:
Its first building block is the European flood awareness system (EFAS) delivering added value information to the national hydrological services and providing a unique overview on the current and forecast flood situation.
This call refers to module 3 EMS mapping validation.
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2015-09-03.
L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2015-07-03.
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