Framework contract for supply of satellite remote sensing data โ broker
The purpose of this contract is to supply satellite data from the very latest sensors and products.
The appointed contractor shall act as a 'broker', by supplying satellite data from the most up-to-date official public (online) product catalogues. Such 'living catalogues' provide the product information and their relevant price lists, concerning data and images from the satellite sensors currently available.
The contract shall also cover sensors not yet available, which may be launched within the time-frame of its validity and which are considered to be an evolution of existing sensors or satellites (such as in a series or a constellation).
The contractor will be required to manage JRC orders for satellite data over the whole globe, including both archive and programmed data.
See Internet address provided in Section I.1.
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2015-04-17.
L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2015-02-06.
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