Framework contract for the supply of satellite remote sensing data and associated services in support to checks within the common agricultural policy (CAP) โ€” 'topographic' VHR profile ('VHR+ profile')

European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for Environment and Sustainability

Since the control with remote sensing (CwRS) programme began some 20 years ago, the JRC has developed and implemented a process in support to DG AGRI whereby satellite image data can be used to check declarations made under the common agricultural policy (CAP) concerning crop types and the areas farmed. With the growing availability of better satellite data (in terms of resolution and number of spectral bands), a more efficient acquisition (more agile sensors, and an increased number of sensors) and a greatly improved IT technology, these techniques are now in routine, operational use. Key to the success is the timeliness of image supply during the growing season, maintaining an ever-increasing high level of image quality to minimise doubts or disputes during interpretation and ensuring the confidentiality of the operation.
It is an additional contract to the very high resolution (VHR) profile (FWC 389.911) and high resolution (HR) profile (FWC 389.912) framework contracts awarded in early 2014. In these contracts, the imagery to be collected and delivered within the required time specifications is defined as so-called sensor-independent โ€˜profiles'. The high resolution (HR) image, and very high resolution (VHR) image โ€˜profiles' have clearly defined specifications (e.g. on spatial resolution, spectral resolution, number of spectral bands, geometric accuracy, elevation angle, processing levels, etc.) fitting the CAP controls' CwRS programme, and land parcel identification system (LPIS) quality assurance.
The JRC now aims to increase image quality with the addition of a new profile in the VHR domain explicitly asked for by the EU MS administrations to comply with the new CAP legislation starting in 2015, where the application of 'greening' elements to direct payments plays an important part. This will include measurements and identification concerning crop diversification, permanent grassland, and ecological focused areas (EFAs). The new profile to be introduced by this framework contract will be called 'topographic' VHR profile, abbreviated to 'VHR+ profile'. This profile is defined to include imagery acquired at a higher elevation angle in order to provide imagery with less tilt (typically 67โ€“90 deg., or off-nadir-angle 0โ€“20 deg.), imagery of a better ground sampling distance (GSD), and imagery with more spectral bands and higher spectral resolution than the presently accepted 'prime' VHR profile. Elevation angle, resolution, and number of bands are issues crucial for geometric accuracy and for feature interpretation and only such a profile will allow the tolerances on parcel measurement imposed by the new regulation to be reached especially in hilly terrain.
An example profile may therefore have the following characteristics:
โ€” description: bundle (i.e. pan plus multispectral bands),
โ€” spatial resolution: pan GSD โ‰ค 0,50 m, multispectral GSD โ‰ค 2,0 m (where GSD = ground sampling distance),
โ€” radiometric resolution and bands: minimum 8 bits/pixel (11โ€“12 bits/pixel highly recommended), multispectral 4 bands at least including B, G, R, NIR (where NIR = near infrared),
โ€” absolute geometric accuracy achievable in orthorectification: RMSE, x, y โ‰ค 2,0 m (where RMSE = root mean square error),
โ€” programming: priority,
โ€” elevation angle restriction: 67โ€“90 deg.,
โ€” cloud cover threshold categories over AOI: โ‰ค 10 % validated, โ‰ฅ 10 % proposed,
โ€” delivery specification is within 6 days of order.
Management of image acquisition (i.e. to cover the correct areas at the correct times of the growing season) is currently undertaken by the 2 existing contractors under the supervision and quality control (QC) of the JRC. The contractor for the supplies and related services under this call will have to follow the same workflow management, in coordination with the other framework contractors.
The supplier will be asked to manage VHR+ image acquisition activities necessary after the control zone and window definition all the way to the final image delivery in compliance with the specifications set up. Those activities will include e.g. feasibility assessment, interfacing with stakeholders, final scenario approval, image acquisition, QC and image validation, delivery, archive upload, and reporting, etc. The start date of the contract is estimated to be spring 2015 in order to be introduced in the management of the image acquisition for the 2015 campaign as soon as possible.
The contract is estimated to last for 4 years, and have a value of approx. 10 500 000 EUR including a 10 % contingency. The contract shall be for 24 months renewable once under the same conditions.

Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2015-02-11. L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2014-12-12.

I seguenti fornitori sono menzionati nelle decisioni di aggiudicazione o in altri documenti di appalto:


Storia dell'approvvigionamento
Data Documento
2014-12-12 Avviso di gara
2015-01-13 Informazioni complementari
2015-01-22 Informazioni complementari
2015-01-27 Informazioni complementari
2015-04-27 Informazioni complementari
2015-10-30 Avviso di aggiudicazione