Supply and installation of furniture and utilities for laboratories in buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP at the JRC Ispra site

European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Ispra Site Management

Supply and installation of furniture for laboratories including benches, traditional and special cupboards, fume hoods, mainly in the new buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP and secondarily in other premises at the JRC Ispra site.
The contract foresees the provision of the following related services:
a) the preparation and submission for the JRC approval of the final construction design;
b) the training of the Commission staff;
c) the guarantee and maintenance (ordinary and extraordinary) of the furniture for 2 years from the provisional acceptance, up to the final acceptance.
The contractor may also be requested to supply and install additional furniture, other than that initially defined in the contract for buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP (see draft contract), either for the buildings 100-IES and 101-IHCP or for other existing premises at the JRC Ispra site, including eventual removal of existing furniture and its eventual reinstallation with or without adaptations, as indicated in the draft contract.

Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2012-09-10. L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2012-06-27.




Storia dell'approvvigionamento
Data Documento
2012-06-27 Avviso di gara
2012-07-24 Informazioni complementari
2012-08-13 Informazioni complementari
2012-09-25 Informazioni complementari
2012-10-02 Informazioni complementari