Framework contract for the supply of consumables for an automated clean up chromatographic system for PCDD/Fs and PCBs (power prep P6, fluid management systems (FMS), USA)
The JRC โ Rural Water and Ecosystem Unit needs consumables fitting the power prep P6 (fluid management system, FMS, USA) for the automated clean up of sample extracts for the analysis of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins/-furans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The power prep system consists a computer controlled modular valve set and a liquid chromatography pump, programmable for preconditioning, clean-up through processing the sample extract along the different columns with different solvent, fraction collection and finally rinsing the instrument. All tubes and connectors are in Teflon. The extract is purified through a silica column, acidified with sulphuric acid followed by an aluminium oxide column (alumina). A carbon column, which enables operation in forward and reverse flux, separates non-coplanar PCBs from the PCDD/Fs and coplanar PCBs in 2 fractions. The whole clean-up process lasts 2 hours and 6 samples are processed in parallel on 6 separate lines.
Object of the procurement procedure: supply of consumables (silica column, alumina column, carbon column, Teflon gaskets) for 1 year, renewable yearly for a period of 1 year up to a further 3 years for a total maximum period of 4 years.
Il termine per la ricezione delle offerte era 2011-04-14.
L'appalto รจ stato pubblicato su 2011-03-01.
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