Gli appalti pubblici in Italia
Fornitore: National Food Chain Safety Office (NEBIH)
Fornitore: National Food Chain Safety Office (NEBIH)
Un appalto archiviato
National Food Chain Safety Office (NEBIH) è stato storicamente un fornitore di
servizi informatici: consulenza, sviluppo di software, Internet e supporto
servizi di elaborazione dati
servizi di trattamento dati
Storicamente, gli offerenti in competizione sono stati
Austrian Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW)
Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy (BULiGL)
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l'analisi dell'economia agrarian (CREA)
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)
Icelandic Forest Service (IFS)
Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière (IGN)
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), Universidade de Lisboa
National Forest Centre (NFC)
Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore National Food Chain Safety Office (NEBIH)
Provision of forest data and services in support to the JRC activities and applications on forest resources
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.D — Sustainable Resources (Ispra), JRC.D.1 — Bio-economy
This framework contract is a follow-up of ‘Framework contract for the provision of forest data and services in support to the European Forest Data Centre’ (framework contract 388432 of 12.12.2012). The European Forest Data Centre (EFDAC) was established as a focal point for forest data and information to support policy needs of the Directorate-General for Environment in the frame of the former EU forestry strategy (1998). This framework contract will continue this effort and contribute to setting up the …
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Fornitori citati:
Austrian Research and Training Centre for...
Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy (BULiGL)
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e...
Department of Agriculture, Food and the...
Icelandic Forest Service (IFS)
Institut national de l’information...
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y...
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA),...
National Food Chain Safety Office (NEBIH)
National Forest Centre (NFC)
National Institute for Research and...
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Norwegian lnstitute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI)
Stichting Probos
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow...
University of Belgrade - Faculty of...
Ústav pro hospodárskou úpravu lesu...
Ricerche correlate
Austrian Research and Training Centre for...
Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy (BULiGL)
Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e...
Department of Agriculture, Food and the...
Icelandic Forest Service (IFS)
Institut national de l’information...
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y...
Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA),...
National Forest Centre (NFC)
Servizi informatici: consulenza, sviluppo...
Servizi di elaborazione dati
Servizi di trattamento dati
Servizi analisi di dati