Gli appalti pubblici in Italia
Fornitore: Hamilton Italia
Fornitore: Hamilton Italia
Un appalto archiviato
Hamilton Italia รจ stato storicamente un fornitore di
macchine per ufficio ed elaboratori elettronici, attrezzature e forniture, esclusi i mobili e i pacchetti software
apparecchiature informatiche e forniture
macchine per l'elaborazione di dati (hardware)
Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Hamilton Italia
Supply and maintenance of a robotic liquid-handling platform
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, TP 582
The Molecular Biology and Genomics Unit of the Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, JRC of the European Commission is launching a call for tender for the acquisition and maintenance of a robotic liquid-handling platform. The MBG Unit of the JRC/Ispra is performing digital real time PCR analysis in order to meet legal obligations of the EURL-GMFF defined in Regulations (EC) Nos 1829/2003, 882/2004 and 619/2011 (LLP Regulation).
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Fornitori citati:
Hamilton Italia
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Macchine per ufficio ed elaboratori...
Apparecchiature informatiche e forniture
Macchine per l'elaborazione di dati (hardware)
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