Fornitore: E.D.S. snc di Bentoglio, Castellani, Fiamberti

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Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore E.D.S. snc di Bentoglio, Castellani, Fiamberti

2011-09-01   Framework contract for the maintenance service of hoods divided into 3 lots: lot 1: chemical fume hoods and chemical... (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection โ€” MSU TP 582)
The JRC, in the frame of safety at work, needs to establish a framework contract for the maintenance service for chemical fume hoods, filtration fume hoods (recirculatory filtration fume cupboards), other extractors (local extractors and chemical cupboards for acids, alkalis, hazardous reagents, combustible liquids), biological cabinets (class II), chemical cupboards utilised with radioisotopes with the ventilation system (air extraction and filtration system complete with canisters, ventilators, โ€ฆ Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: E.D.S. snc di Bentoglio, Castellani, Fiamberti G.S.G. srl
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