Fornitore: Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (in consortium with Airbus DS Geo Hungary Ltd, Airbus DS Geo SA, Infoterra GmbH, University of Stra

Un appalto archiviato

Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (in consortium with Airbus DS Geo Hungary Ltd, Airbus DS Geo SA, Infoterra GmbH, University of Stra รจ stato storicamente un fornitore di stampati e prodotti affini, libri, opuscoli e pieghevoli e libri stampati.

Appalti recenti in cui viene citato il fornitore Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (in consortium with Airbus DS Geo Hungary Ltd, Airbus DS Geo SA, Infoterra GmbH, University of Stra

2014-07-04   Framework service contract for Copernicus emergency management service risk and recovery mapping (European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre (JRC), Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen)
The Copernicus emergency management service, in continuation of the GMES initial operations phase, is intended as an operational service offered to the authorised users active in the field of crisis management in the EU Member States, the European civil protection mechanism, the Commission's Directorates-General (DGs) and the participating executive agencies and international humanitarian aid. The core character of the EMS lies in the provision upon activation by the authorised user of timely and โ€ฆ Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (in... Geoapikonisis SA Projects &... Indra Sistemas S.A. (in consortium with...