Appalti: Servizi di assicurazione contro gli incendi (pagina 2)
Servizi assicurativi della SI.GE.RI.CO. S.P.A (
L'appalto è suddiviso in sei lotti.
Lotto CIG Polizza Importo annuo Base di gara ( 3 anni) Valore complessivo 3 anni + rinnovo per uguale periodo
1 92489234B5 Incendio 45.000,00 135.000,00 270.000,00
2 9248978219 RCT/O 15.000,00 45.000,00 90.000,00
3 92490025E6 Infortuni 3.000,00 9.000,00 18.000,00
4 9249034050 Kasko 2.500,00 7.500,00 15.000,00
5 924905841D L.M RCA 8.500,00 25.500,00 51.000,00
6 9249088CDC RC Patrim 6.500,00 19.500,00 39.000,00
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All Risks Insurance Contracts for Direct Physical Loss or Damage at the JRC Sites (
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), JRC.R – Support Services (Brussels), JRC.R.I.3 – Logistics)
The JRC intends to sign four insurance contracts covering fire, natural and industrial hazards and material damage to nuclear and non-nuclear installations at four JRC research sites (Ispra, Geel, Petten, Karlsruhe). The insurance must cover the buildings (nuclear reactors, nuclear laboratories, offices, welfare services, non-nuclear laboratories) and their content (machinery and equipment, laboratory instruments and consumables, fissionable material, furniture and other goods). There is one lot for each …
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European Mutual Association for Nuclear...