Appalti: Fondazione Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'AIDS (acronym: LILA Milano)

Un appalto archiviato

Acquisti recenti da parte di Fondazione Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'AIDS (acronym: LILA Milano)

2019-06-03   Evaluation of the Joint Action on Integrating Prevention, Testing and Linkage to Care Strategies Across HIV, Viral... (Fondazione Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro l'AIDS (acronym: LILA Milano))
Integrate has the overall objective to improve the understanding and implement integrated activities related to early diagnosis of HIV, viral hepatitis, TB. The objective of this contract is to provide an independent external evaluation of the activities of the Integrate project at the current state of development and to assess the needs for adjustments or improvements in horizontal organization and/or core work. The purpose of these terms of reference is to give instructions and guidance to candidates โ€ฆ Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Results in Health