Appalti: European Union โ€” Delegation of the European Union to the HolySee, the Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome and to the Re

Un appalto archiviato

European Union โ€” Delegation of the European Union to the HolySee, the Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome and to the Re รจ stato storicamente un acquirente di servizi per le imprese: servizi giuridici, di marketing, di consulenza, di reclutamento, di stampa e di sicurezza, servizi di investigazione e sicurezza e servizi di sicurezza.

Acquisti recenti da parte di European Union โ€” Delegation of the European Union to the HolySee, the Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome and to the Re

2020-12-23   Security Services for the EU Delegation to the HolySee, the Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome and to the... (European Union โ€” Delegation of the European Union to the HolySee, the Order of Malta, the UN Organisations in Rome and to the Re)
The contractor shall provide the human and material resources necessary to ensure the security of persons and assets under the contracting authority's responsibility. The main services to be provided may include, among others, the provision of security guards. Visualizza l'appalto ยป
Fornitori citati: Rangers SRL