Appalti: Agriform Sca — Società cooperativa agricola (Agricultural cooperative company)

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Acquisti recenti da parte di Agriform Sca — Società cooperativa agricola (Agricultural cooperative company)

2016-11-30   Public Notice of Tenders for the selection, by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, of an ‘Implementing Body’ (Agriform Sca — Società cooperativa agricola (Agricultural cooperative company))
Public Notice of Tenders for the selection, by means of an Open Competitive Procedure, of an ‘Implementing Body’ engaged for the realization of the Actions (activities/initiatives) directed at the attainment of the objectives that are provided by the Program that will be presented and which shall be carried out in the following thirds countries: United States of America, Canada and Mexico, using as testimonial products Parmigiano Reggiano DOP, Grana Padano DOP, Asiago DOP, Piave DOP, Montasio DOP. Visualizza l'appalto »
Fornitori citati: Societe pour L'Expansion des Ventes des...